
Research colonialism still plagues Africa

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Copyright: Je'nine May

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  • African researchers are suffering from power dynamics that favour global North collaborators
  • 虽然某些举措正在帮助建立当地能力,但有些计划低估了非洲合作者
  • Covid-19正在帮助为未来的南北合作创造基础

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[开普敦]令牌主义,自上而下的管理和不平等仍然困扰着非洲researchcollaborations with the developed world.

In spite of years of talk about collaborative partnerships, African researchers say that they are all too often consigned to the role of field worker or information gatherer despite being leaders in their science.


内罗毕大学的昆虫学家理查德·穆卡巴纳(Richard Mukabana)说:“我不是野外工作者。”

“I have a PhD and can be in any forum dealing with the science of malaria. That is my competitive advantage.”

He travels from Uganda to Kenya, meeting with laboratory technicians, speaking to community健康工人和样品运行到乌干达病毒研究所的实验室。

Some of his samples were collected from the swampy, stagnant water of the Lukaya rice fields on the shores of Lake Victoria, Uganda. The channels, just ten centimetre deep, are the ideal breeding ground for mosquitos. Using a makeshift ladle, fashioned on the end of a long wooden stick, he scoops up water hoping to capture the insects.



“It’s a depressing state of affairs with seven US, UK and Australian partners receiving US$30 million to ‘help’ African national malaria control programmes.”

Kemri-Wellcome Inform Project的高级科学顾问Bob Snow

Housed in the global North, among the world’s richest and most industrialised countries, these institutions provide significant funding toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the international development research agenda.

“I’m an African,” Mukabana tellsscidev.net。“我住在非洲,我在非洲工作,我知道家庭中的人们,我自己因非洲的疟疾而生病。但是我也记得我们在开展科学业务方面有很多非洲问题。”


但是,他知道伴侣没有的一件事是病人。“我的合作伙伴无法与malariapatients, doesn’t know how the village person feels about a method or control, doesn’t have a mosquito breeding habitat,” he says.


Launched in 2013, KEMRI-Wellcome’s INFORM drives the use of epidemiological data to define malaria control and elimination in Africa with avisibly diverse非洲队。

Scientific colonialism


Called the PMI Insights for Malaria (INFORM) project, its critics were quick to draw attention to the initiative’s similarities to KEMRI-Wellcome’s INFORM – not the least of which was its name.

According to the PATH announcement, PMI INFORM is expected to “generate evidence and data to inform national malaria programs and the global malaria community of best practices, while strengthening research容量in PMI-supported countries.”

The prime partner for PMI INFORM, PATH also revealed its consortium of seven global North partners: Abt Associates; the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London; the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine the Malaria Atlas Project of Telethon Kids Institute at Curtin University; the Center for Applied Malaria Research and Evaluation at Tulane University; and the University of California, San Francisco Malaria Elimination Initiative.

Kemri-Wellcome Inform Project的高级科学顾问Bob Snow说:“这是一种令人沮丧的状态,英国和澳大利亚伙伴将获得3000万美元的'帮助'非洲国家疟疾控制计划。”



Richard Mukabana, University of Nairobi

In a statement, PATH did not explain the coincidental project name, but said its PMI INFORM activities would complement KEMRI-Wellcome’s INFORM project. It also addressed the make-up of its consortium by saying it was designed to facilitate access to technical expertise and to supplement local capacity.



虽然看到非洲机构被Path忽略为合作伙伴,但总部位于英国Chatham House全球卫生安全中心的高级研究员Ngozi Erondu却一直在发生。

“The bigger issue here is decolonising global health,” she says. Acknowledging the contributions global North institutions have made for the scientific knowledge base, she says it is not a question of all or nothing, but how to work together.


Fredros Okumu, director of science at the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania tellsscidev.net: “Researchers working in this space have good reason to be concerned about this trend.”

Okumu加入Erondu,批评Twitter, joining like-minded researchers and advocates. Hundreds of likes, retweets and comments followed with PATH accounts roped in.


Tweet by Ngozi


Power dynamics

As a global South researcher, it is not unusual to get your start in a research collaboration with a cold call, says Salome Maswime, head of global surgery at the University of Cape Town(UCT), South Africa.

“I’ve been involved in a number of studies where I’m contacted by an international group and asked to be part of their study, usually as part of a grant needing a low- or middle-income country partner,” she says

“You go into the partnership without being clear about what you’re doing and you’re not really passionate about it. But you want to be associated with a good institution from a high-income country.”

When you are a young researcher, Maswime says, you go along with this because you want the publications, and you want funding. “The minute you get this email from a highly rated institution, a part of you feels good. Someone has hand-picked you and wants to work with you,” she says.

Salome Maswime, head of global surgery at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Credit: Je’nine May

While not every collaboration goes this way, Maswime says that she has seen several young researchers trapped in the cycle. “I say this because I’m not at the beginning of my scientific career. I can look back and say there is a pattern here,” she says.


The problems with this top-down approach characterises these partnerships. A literature keyword search for “North-South collaboration” reveals a raft of challenges, experiences and proposed ways forward for more equitable partnerships in every area of development research.

Among them is the 1990Commission on Health Research for Developmentthat reveals a “gross mismatch” between priorities in North-South research that may make collaboration counter-productive.


更多的recently, a 2020paper在纳米比亚 - 德国气候研究项目上,项目宣布了管理现场工作,分析任务并充当文化促进者的本地研究人员的无形“双重角色”。


其他工作细节剥削就业, where the short-term nature and tight budgets of research projects leaves local staff without benefits such as health insurance or long-term employment prospects. Some show the权力斗争在南北研究人员之间,当那些持有钱包弦的人被要求为东道国发挥支持作用。


False universalism

改变不会容易说,米娅佩里有限公司-director of Sustainable Futures in Africa (SFA). A network launched in 2016 with the Global Challenges Research Fund, SFA is a UK-based network that works with hubs in Botswana, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and the United Kingdom to ethically re-design the research agenda.
“International development-related research is led by people and institutions that have and continue to benefit from the inequity,” she says. “To make real change in that system, people like me would have to put themselves in situations that may implicate us. That’s a difficult thing to do.”






Notion of excellence

The truth about Africa, and other areas of the global South, is that science is not embedded in its culture. People do not look to science to answer questions in their daily lives in politics or in innovation.

“Africa isn’t the same as the North, where science is part of the fabric of their society,” says Judy Omumbo, senior programme manager at the Kenya-based African Academy of Sciences (AAS).

She too criticises the assumption that northern models for research and how it is managed will translate effectively in Africa. But she says it is difficult to challenge a system if it is coming from your funding partners.



“The notion of excellence is problematic in many, if not all, contexts,” say someexperts。“它与学科,方法论的高度主观价值有关,并与期刊影响因素,H-指数分数,资金来源和大学排名有可疑的联系。”

Global North researchers are also held to these standards, including the much debated ‘tyranny of the impact factor’. A career-defining magic number gained frompublishingin high-impact journals, it is nearly impossible for African researchers to attain.




“We should be able to make a decision on how we’ll measure excellence in our context, and funding should be given based on that.”

Knowledge-based economies

非洲研究人员将卓越的研究定义为“创造对社会问题的认识”,“对处境不利社区的直接好处”和“新的好处”和“新的好处”technologicaldevelopments’, according to a 2017survey


Despite African Union member countries committing to spend at least one per cent of their gross domestic product on research and development by 2010, none achieved the goal. In 2019, Africa accounted for just 0.9 per cent of全球研发支出, well behind North America at 27 per cent and Europe at 21 per cent.
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Africa will then continue to rely on prosperous research partners from the global North. But Ombumbo says this support should take the form of long-term, strategic funding that enables Africans to conduct globally competitive research and builds knowledge-based economies on the continent.

“We need funding that goes toward improving the practice of science in the South,” says Ombumbo.

It is a paradigm shift in collaborations the AAS is pushing with its Future Leaders – African Independent Research (FLAIR) Fellowship, a partnership with the Royal Society, supported by the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

Ombumbo说:“ Flair是独一无二的,从某种意义上说,这是一项奖学金,足以使家伙在发展研究能力的同时进行独立研究。”

天赋是非洲职业生涯早期研究人员开放addressing global challenges faced by developing countries. Its inaugural cohort was announced in 2019, with Sarah Fawcett, an oceanographer and climatologist at UCT among them.

Fawcett praises the fellowship for getting money into the hands of young African researchers “rather than to a northern partner with trickle-down into Africa”. But she suspects tension between the UK funders and Kenya-based AAS.

“The northern hand is still there,” she says. “But the funders are coming in with a big investment and are making an attempt towards empowerment. That’s how we start to change things.”



Honoured for her contributions to ocean chemistry and biology inclimate change, her work is firmly footed in South Africa. It is an example of local-led development research that is globally competitive.


Fawcett的研究将在生物地球化学研究基础设施平台(Biogrip)的支持下进行。一项灵感来自South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap,与欧盟合作,为在该国研究未来提供长期投资是一项明确的努力。


The technical infrastructure expected from BIOGRIP will also make it possible for the global South to take the lead in international collaborations. But Fawcett says that power shift will only be possible through co-development.

“Framing objectives from the very beginning with all stakeholders at the table, and involving them in continual评估is the only way we’ll move closer to true collaboration,” she says.



根据2019年南非研究企业report, South Africa “punches above its weight” in research production, output and international research collaborations.

南非艾滋病研究中心主任萨利姆·阿卜杜勒·卡里姆(Salim Abdool Karim)说,这些优势是责任。


Salim Abdool Karim, director of the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) Credit: Abdool Karim

This is true for partnerships with the global North and on the continent. “We collaborate with [peers in] the United States and Europe and with our colleagues in Africa. We don’t want to have an unequal relationship with our colleagues in Africa just as we don’t want to be an unequal recipient of a collaboration in the United States,” Karim says.



Salim Abdool Karim,南非艾滋病研究计划中心

36个指标,要求身体轮廓寡糖r approach to issues such as conflict management, contracts, financial management and intellectual property rights. The report that results can be used to develop and negotiate a strategy for fair partnerships. It’s a thorough and not uncomplicated process.

实际上,自2018年以来,RFI仅发表了四份报告,其中包括来自WHO的热带疾病培训和研究的特别计划和塞内加尔大学的Alioune Diop。当中心交易时,卡普里萨的报告被搁置了新冠肺炎

“RFI needs early adopters who will pull in others. We don’t mind that its full of kinks. In fact, that’s part of how we work together to fix it and find better solutions,” he says. “What’s important is for all of us to work together in getting there, and RFI is helpful in that.”

Foundations for the future

Calling 2021 the Year of Equitable Research Partnerships, RFI is campaigning to recognise fairness in research collaborations and their potential for impact.

“The international research community moves from crisis to crisis,” says Carel IJsselmuiden, director of the Council on Health Research for Development, which set up the RFI. Whether it is malaria, climate change or COVID-19, he says, sustainable partnerships are never on the agenda.


Indeed, global collaboration and cooperation are in disarray, said the柳叶刀在2020年9月举行的联合国大会第75届会议之前。


They are issues that impact the global South the most, and to which those countries also contribute. But Karim, who is also co-chair of South Africa’s COVID-19 advisory committee, sees potential in this crisis.

“You should use every opportunity in a crisis to lay down good foundations for the future,” he says. “With COVID-19, I think things are changing for the better.”

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.