
In March 2008 we relaunched the SciDev.Net website to make it more accessible to our global audience. The site is now easier to use with improved navigation within a more logical website architecture, page load times are now faster and content is available in four languages (English, Arabic, French and Spanish).

Web browsers

我们的网站得到了最受欢迎的Internet浏览器(Microsoft Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Safari,Opera)的完全支持。为了获得最佳查看体验,这些浏览器的最新版本应用于查看我们的网站。

请注意,我们的网站旨在在Internet Explorer 6(和以前的版本)中得到完全支持,因为这仍然是发展中国家使用的最受欢迎的浏览器。

Changing font size

Web浏览器(Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox和Google Chrome)使您能够更改显示的文本的字体大小,以增加大多数浏览器的字体大小,可以按CTRL+键一起增加字体尺寸和CTRL和- keys together to decrease font size. Pressing theCTRL0钥匙将可以使您的浏览器以原始大小查看。另外,此功能位于大多数浏览器工具栏上的视图菜单中,请参见下文:

由于我们很大一部分受众都基于发展中国家,许多用户以小屏幕分辨率查看互联网,通常为800 x 600像素或更少。鉴于此,我们的网页的标准宽度设置为800个像素,以确保访问Scidev.net的那些用户具有良好的网站体验。


The core central navigation menu is fixed and floats on every page to enable easy access to the main homepage, topic-specific sections of the site and key other site pages. A faceting menu on topic pages enables users to quickly and easily filter results to find content most relevant to their needs. Navigating through hyperlinks on pages can also be achieved through pressing tab. Links to topic pages are also present on article pages to aid navigation.


We make every effort to keep our webpages light and optimise page delivery to our global users. However, we recognise that in our recent redesign we have enriched site features signficiantly with items such as multimedia, larger images and functions to showcase key content. If you are experiencing issues in accessing our website fully due to low-internet bandwidth in your area we recommend that you access our mobile site, which offers a stripped-down, lightweight version of SciDev.Net. Alternatively you may wish to try a low-bandwidth simulator provided by Aptivate, an organisation specialising in international development IT. This free tool will simplify the viewing experience by reducing website page sizes (such as hiding images). To access SciDev.Net using the loband simulator please click这里.
