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There's no question that mobile devices have become a staple in everyday living around the world. So we have launched an优化d mobile versionscidev.net使您更轻松地访问该网站以及任何文章,无论您在哪里。


  • > Access to news, feature and opinion articles, Spotlights, and topic and regional pages.
  • > A clutter-free design with fewer images to ensure faster page load times, and improve your SciDev.Net experience, even on handsets with slower connections.
  • >更有效的SCIDEV.Net设计版本,可针对设备上的较小屏幕尺寸进行优化。
  • > Quick navigation with a clear webpage structure for easier browsing, enabling you to access content with ease.
  • > Automatic detection technology that recognises your mobile device and provides the new version instantly.
  • >随时能够切换回PC版本的网站。



我们提供一系列webfeeds个体所uals and websites to keep track of our most recent headlines, giving immediate access to articles as they are published on the SciDev.Net website. All feeds are available in English, French and Spanish. They can be universal or tailored to a particular region or topic.

Our website feed is for individuals or organisations who wish to show a SciDev.Net news feed on their own website. SciDev.Net provides the HTML coding required and allows the design to be adapted to suit your website. These feeds are maintenance free, as they are updated automatically as soon as a new article appears on the SciDev.Net website. Each feed carries the latest articles, including a short headline, introduction and link to the full article. To see an example in use you can visit theTWAS网站。

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Our universal feed, available on the website homepage, displays all new articles as they are published and covers all regions and topics.

Topic feeds

我们的六个主题网关中的每一个都有饲料,为农业和环境领域,气候变化和能源,健康,科学创新和政策,科学交流和新技术的发展提供最新文章。beplay下载官网西西软件beplay足球体育的微博在这六个网关中,RSS源可用于超过80个子主题 - 例如,在“健康”主题中,您可以订阅“疟原虫”RSS Feed。


Regionally tailored feeds provide up-to-date articles about developments taking place in SciDev.Net's regions: Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East & North Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Subscribe to the webfeed by clicking this purple icon on the top right of each page

You can subscribe to webfeeds by clicking on the purple icon at the top right of the main homepage or within a topic or regional gateway. If you want any assistance with the technical aspects of integrating the webfeed into your website design contact our digital team for some advice:生产@

RSS feeds

RSS (really simple syndication) is a feed for individuals who wish to view regularly updated news stories directly on their desktop. In order to view these you will need a piece of software called an RSS reader. There are many different types available, and the most suitable for you will depend on your individual system requirements. Once you have selected an RSS reader all you need to do is select which of our feeds you would like to receive.


Use this button at the top right of each page to subscribe to the RSS feed

You can subscribe to an RSS feed by clicking on the orange icon at the top right of the relevant webpage in your chosen language.

  • >对于所有文章,请单击“SCIDEV.NET主页”上的图标。
  • >有关南亚相关的文章点击南亚网关内的图标。
  • >有关健康有关的文章,请点击健康网关主页上的图标。
  • > For a sub-topic feed click on the icon within – for instance, the malaria homepage within the Health gateway.
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