
Experts call for local greenhouse gas emissions data

在Beca-ilri Hub Greenhouse设施中工作


  • 当前对温室气体(GHG)排放的估计可能不准确
  • 政策制定者和科学家呼吁进行特定区域的测量
  • They say that such measurements could aid local adaptation to climate change


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[内罗毕]决策者and scientists in Kenya and Uganda have expressed the need for regional-specific测量温室气体排放以提高准确性和确定性climate change减轻。




肯尼亚ILRI的David Pelster

Delegates also toured ILRI’s Mazingira laboratory that facilitates measurements of emissions from家畜, smallholder农场, forests and tea plantations.

东非由于依赖雨水而容易受到气候变化的影响beplay下载官网西西软件CCAFS东非地区计划负责人Maren Radeny说。“气候变异性和变化给小农户带来了新的挑战,尤其是增加粮食不安全,” Radeny补充道。

Radeny calls for increased研究与开发对于新的农作物品种以及土壤和水管理干预措施以帮助解决气候变化的影响,请注意,应通过农业和气候变化的整合来解决气候智能农业中的研究和政策差距。beplay下载官网西西软件

肯尼亚环境与自然资源部国家气候变化秘书处的研究人员戴维·阿德格(David Adegu)说,有必要加强气候变化信息管理系统并提高对气候风险管理和机会的认识。beplay足球体育的微博

阿德古(Adegu)于5月6日赞扬肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta)签署《气候变化法案法案》,称这将有助于开发,管理和实施活动,以增强肯尼亚的气候变化弹性和低碳的发展。


David Pelster, a research scientist at ILRI, Kenya, adds that there are opportunities for improved production of animals on healthy grasslands in East Africa that can help reduce emissions.

“我们需要适当的缓解策略才能实现长期的解决方案,” Pelster告诉scidev.net。“向东非国家收集自己的关于温室气数据的挑战很低funding用于研究和培训不足的人员。”


Researchers in Kenya and Uganda expressed concern that the current estimates used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for emission factors such as methane could be inaccurate. For example, Pelster noted that the IPCC’s predicted GHG emissions can be about ten times higher than actual emissions.


Iain Wright, the deputy director-general of integrated sciences at ILRI, explains that interaction between research and policy is critical to addressing climate change.

赖特呼吁增加活动在三英洁具tists, smallholder farmers and policymakers to formulate policies that will help address the challenges of climate change.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.