

农民照顾植物。但是查塔姆之家的帕特里克·施罗德(PatrickSchröder)警告说,绿色并不总是可持续的。版权:USAID/Natasha Murigu/(CC BY-NC 2.0)

Speed read

  • ‘Green’ doesn’t always mean ‘sustainable’, says circular economy specialist
  • 生物经济是全球经济的重要组成部分
  • But, has potential to further degrade the environment

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一种ll that glitters is not gold, or so the expression goes. Similarly, as business leaders, academics, and policymakers gather for the third全球生物经济峰会值得注意的是,所有绿色都不一定是可持续的。

The ‘bioeconomy’ is a sophisticated sounding term, but essentially it means the things we make, use and sell that have their origins in nature; and the aim is to transition the economy from fossil resources towards renewable ones. Farming and forestry are part of the bioeconomy, as is energy produced from biomass, and services like tourism that are rooted in nature and outdoor experiences. The bioeconomy is central to what we do every day, and is an essential part of the global economy.仅在欧洲,生物经济的年价值为2.4万亿欧元。如果有正确的做法,法规和激励措施,它拥有更绿色,更可持续和健康的未来的关键。


Patrick Schröder

同时,生物经济有可能驱动进一步的环境破坏和退化。beplay足球体育的微博不负责任的追求利润和对自然资源的不可持续开发使气候变化,生物多样性丧失,传染病,饥饿和不平等更糟。一种最近的报告from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) found that unless we dramatically reduce our impact on the natural world, future pandemics will become more frequent, spread more quickly and kill more people.

High levels of consumption in industrialised countries have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, food security and human rights both within and beyond their borders. Low- and middle-income countries are directly affected by the policies and practices of the global North, and ordinary citizens have limited influence. Demand in the United States and the United Kingdom for beef直接推动亚马逊森林砍伐;虽然包含不可持续的棕榈油的日常产品数量继续增加。


一个不可持续的生物经济也威胁要实现可持续发展目标(SDGS),这是联合国在2015年采用的全球可持续发展框架。最近的报告by the German Federal Environment Agency发现,为了使生物经济为代替,而不是反对可持续发展目标,全球议程和国家战略需要更多地关注生态系统,可持续土地利用,气候保护和食品主权的恢复。


We’ll hear lots about the potential of the bioeconomy for delivering sustainable economic growth during this week’s summit, but we should be sceptical about the sustainability credentials of a system with a track record of pushing marginalised communities and vulnerable ecosystems to the limit. Without better governance and institutional frameworks, the bioeconomy will only exacerbate social and environmental problems.

Three steps

在Chatham House,我们一直在研究如何使生物经济更具可持续性。我们的研究表明,有三件事将推动更好的结果。



第三,生物经济应接受循环原则。大部分生物经济学都是基于我们当前的线性模型的“收获 - 收割”模型,在该模型中,资源被提取,转变为食用和丢弃的产品。这从根本上是不可持续的。在循环生物经济中,级联使用原理用于生物量资源,例如木材和农产品。这种方法优先考虑允许产品和原材料的再利用和回收利用的过程。它提高了稀缺和有价值的原材料资源的生产力和有效利用。



PatrickSchröder是Chatham House的能源,环境和资源计划的高级研究员。beplay足球体育的微博他专门研究发展中国家的循环经济和资源治理。