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印度赤脚学院的太阳能工程教练。在新的绿色世界经济中,生产知识有限的发展中国家可能会抛弃。版权:UN Women,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


  • Index shows that green economic growth is based on previous tech expertise
  • 发展中国家拥有较小的工业基础
  • But lack of historic industrialisation may leave them free to innovate



有广泛的范围calls for green transitionsin the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, developing countries are predicted to remain at the bottom of the global economic ladder, a study claims.


An analysis in Research Policy measures the green growth potential of all countries, based on traded products.

“Overall, developing countries have the sorts of resources that make it possible to transition to a green economy, and in some cases, they have more access to the sources that can power renewables.”

国际环境与发展研究所首席经济学家保罗·斯蒂尔(Paul Steele)beplay足球体育的微博

It found that non-industrialised countries are at a disadvantage, as they have a smaller knowledge base from which to produce green products.

研究人员创建了一个新指数 -Green Complexity Index这是根据从世界贸易组织,经合组织和亚太经济合作等贸易机构中选择的293种产品的列表来计算一个国家能够竞争性出口绿色,技术知名产品的能力。


Lead author Penny Mealy calls this the “ladder of technology development”.


This factor could leave developing countries in the lurch, the study found, as they have fewer areas of green expertise. A ranking of the Green Complexity Index, demonstrating how countries fared in terms of green product development between 1995 and 2014, showed that most developing countries remained near the bottom of the list.



独立研究组织国际环境与发展研究所的首席经济学家保罗·斯蒂尔(Paul Steele)表示,经济较少依赖化石燃料和独白的发展中国家beplay足球体育的微博可能会发现通常更容易过渡到绿色经济。



The sooner a country gains green production capabilities, the more able it is to branch out in the future, the researchers add.

在苏塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)教授能源政策的本杰明·索瓦科尔(Benjamin Sovacool)说,许多发展中国家在分支方面面临的障碍与财产有关。他说:“他们的许多基础设施均由外国演员拥有。”

例如,南非investm看到大ent from international actors primarily concerned with their shareholders, not sustainability. This raises conflicts, Sovacool says, as the country’s efforts to develop further rely on providing affordable energy to all, which is easier with fossil fuels.

“You can’t just have renewables for the sake of it, they have to be cheaper than coal,” Sovacool says.


“If anyone could leapfrog it’s developing countries because they don’t have the incumbency effect that developed countries do,” Mealy says.

