
How to pitch to a science editor

Editorial pitch.jpg
Copyright: Suzanne Lee / Panos


  • 编辑们想知道您已经研究了该主题及其出口
  • 保持音高短,准确,简单,适合文章类型
  • Be friendly and flexible with the editor, and respect their guidance





Following the advice in this guide will increase the chances of getting your story accepted by an editor. Some of this advice is specific to science journalism, but most is relevant to other types of journalism too.


Do your homework

Stick to its style
In your pitch, you should demonstrate that you are familiar with the publication’s sections by saying where you envisage your piece appearing. For example, the opinion section in新科学家
Make it original
不要从新闻稿或主要期刊上推销故事 - 大多数媒体都有覆盖的内部内容。取而代之的是,没有新闻发布的较小期刊和会议。
The best pitches have a ‘so what’ sentence or paragraph that outlines why the audience would want to read this story. To include this, you need to find out the characteristics of the outlet’s audience.
Contextualise the research
如果your story is about a new piece of research, how does it sit within the existing body of knowledge? Does it represent a major advancement? Or does it conflict with another theory?


Get the content right

Sum it up 提出一个引人入胜的令人兴奋的故事想法。您可以用一句话总结一下吗?即使这个想法尚未完全发展,您也更有可能受到强大的顶级线路。
缩小范围 要具体:讲故事的想法,而不是一个通用的话题。
Why is it news? 如果您正在推销新闻,请立即澄清为什么您的故事具有新闻价值很重要。总是讲新的和独家的故事,并解释什么使它们如此。
基于其他新闻 使您的音调与新闻中的内容相关。例如,卢旺达医院的营养故事很有趣,但是为什么现在要出版呢?
Use various sources In your pitch, you should demonstrate that you are familiar with the publication’s sections by saying where you envisage your piece appearing. For example, the opinion section in新科学家
Watch the detail Ensure clarity and accuracy. Do a spell check and don’t misspell names in a pitch or get capitalisation wrong.
Keep it short 编辑非常忙碌,所以短而活泼的球场更有可能成功。
把事情简单化 避免行话。使用“利益相关者”,“利用”和“可持续对话”之类的词语将使编辑疏远。
你是谁? 如果这是您第一次向编辑推销,请包括一些有关您自己,感兴趣的领域和专业知识的信息。

Supply up to three links to your previous work or, if a new writer, briefly explain why you are best positioned to cover the story.


Communicate with the editor

Be friendly and flexible 在编辑过程中友好,可用且令人愉快。对编辑提供的反馈敏感和灵活。它将确保该作品更好,更适合插座。
Respect the agreed word length 不要试图谈判一词长度。编辑器具有单词限制和预算,这是他们的授予。一旦您与编辑建立了良好的关系,就可以要求更多空间,但只有理由。
保持最新 保持编辑有关故事的开发的最新信息,尤其是在延迟时。错过没有通知的截止日期将损害关系。
Respect the contract 当您作为自由职业者写作时,编辑本质上是从您那里购买服务。如果您未能提供服务,则您已经为合同做出了作业,并且编辑没有理由向您付款。
随时提醒 Do chase editors who haven’t responded to an email within 24 hours, but don’t overdo it. An editor will be glad to be reminded if they have genuinely forgotten something, but remember that they are dealing with many other stories.
Email or phone call? Editors can get hundreds of emails a day so be mindful of this. Some prefer phone calls, especially if the story has already been commissioned and this can be conducive to a better working relationship. But others prefer emails so find out their preference.
有时会议是最好的 Some editors like to meet face to face. If you’re getting in touch for the first time, try to set up a face-to-face meeting, as you’ll get a much better idea of exactly what they’re looking for. This might be particularly useful for big pieces such as features.
正确的语气 不要光顾编辑。他们也是专家,并且要注意这将确保您不会走错方面。


Polish your pitch

尊重截止日期 您的编辑正在努力在自己的渠道内完成截止日期。他们为您提供的截止日期是有充分理由的 - 遵守他们。
Be realistic 如果您没有经验或未知的话,而不是宣传众所周知的出版物,而是尝试为一些鲜为人知的出版物写作,以建立您的投资组合。
坚持委员会 Don’t change a story’s angle or scope once the pitch has been agreed without notifying the editor. If you think you have suddenly discovered a much better story, don’t hesitate to call the editor and propose the change – they might be happy to consider a new angle.
One pitch for one publication Don’t pitch the same idea to multiple publications at the same time. Editors will be annoyed if they see the same idea in a rival publication.
语言 如果您至少不太擅长用这种语言写作,请不要用特定的语言讲一个故事。如果您不是母语者,那没关系,因为编辑可以清理您的语法和风格。但是他们必须能够理解您。


Tailor it for multimedia

地址格式 确保您选择一个可以作为多媒体作品效果很好的故事。音频,视频和照片增加了您的作品的视角和人体维度,因此您需要能够通过捕获正确的视觉效果,环境声音或只是让受访者的声音表达他们的个性和观点来传达这一方面。
介绍细节 Describe the detail of your material: what visuals, what sounds, and also equipment you intend to use. Editors will have different quality requirements, but most of all they want to see that you think in images and sound.
保持直接 Keep the story as simple as possible: a strong, straightforward structure is paramount in multimedia production, or the audience will get distracted. Images and sound need to work to make the story stronger, but they will fail to achieve this if your narrative is confusing.
Have the right kit 如果您没有基本设备来完成它,请不要宣传多媒体。例如,用手机拍摄的照片通常不够高,并且录音机不足以录制广播质量的声音。


Pitch checklist

tick-purple.jpg 联系方式- 确保您的联系方式在顶部以备快速参考。
Tick-purple-beige.jpg 时间和位置– when and where did, or will, the story break? Is there an embargo?
tick-purple.jpg 封面– make the editor’s job easy by providing a catchy summary that could go on the cover or in the subject of an email.
Tick-purple-beige.jpg 建议的标题- 总结文章背后的想法或提供建议的标题。
tick-purple.jpg 100字摘要- 总结不超过100个单词的概念。您甚至可以建议一个简介。使用活泼的语言使您的音调在人群中脱颖而出。
Tick-purple-beige.jpg 角度- 如果您与故事有独特的角度,请确保清楚地解释它。例如,您的作品会回答什么问题?
tick-purple.jpg 研究- 提供研究的链接,以方便参考。
Tick-purple-beige.jpg Press release/journal article- 如果故事基于其中的一个,请提供链接或附件。
tick-purple.jpg Page furniture– if appropriate suggest boxes, diagrams or graphics.
Tick-purple-beige.jpg 受访者– list scientists and experts you plan to interview.
tick-purple.jpg 文件夹- 包括您的工作示例。
Tick-purple-beige.jpg Sell yourself- 在您的资格上包括您自己的网站URL或一行,以说服他们为什么要雇用您。
tick-purple.jpg 如果commissioned, obtain written agreement –do they pay a flat rate for an article or a word rate? What are the payment terms? When is the deadline? What are the other terms and conditions?


Inga Vesper:新闻编辑在SciDev.Net@keeping_cool
Jheni Osman:前编辑BBC焦点杂志, and now a freelance science writer, author and presenter.@jheniosman
Lou del Bello:多媒体的记者和制片人SciDev.Net@LouDelBello
Martin Enserink:贡献编辑Science杂志,专门从事正无穷ectious disease, global health and policy. He edits most ofScience的欧洲报道。@martinenserink
Sarah Wild:Science editor at the邮件和监护人in South Africa.@sarahemilywild
