
Poor nations’ economies grow with rising deforestation

森林ry worker carries a plank of Padouk (Vermillion) wood

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  • Researchers assessed the link between economic growth and deforestation
  • 他们发现,在贫困国家,森林砍伐的增加导致增长
  • An expert says the study is useful for formulating policies

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[NAIROBI] Poor countries’ economic growth increases with deforestation rates but the effect disappears in wealthier economies, a study says.

根据研究人员的说法,气候因素和不足数据make it difficult to establish the link between economic development and overexploitation of natural resources.

But using satellite data, researchers were able to assess the link between deforestation rates and economic factors across countries.

“Our results quantify the potential costs that such policies could potentially have in terms of forest cover loss.”

Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, Vienna University of Economics and Business

The study published this month (16 January) in the journalScientific Reportsfound that as developing countries become richer, a decrease in forest cover occurs, but such a relationship disappears at higher levels of income per capita.

“This implies that increases in deforestation, in particular inSub-Saharan Africa预计,贫困经济体的人均收入汇合到发达国家的收入。


Forest cover HRUs png

鉴于避免衰变的重要性森林stocks to counteract climate change, our paper provides evidence to understand and quantify the potential losses in terms ofbeplay足球体育的微博环境的depletion implied by development policies in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Cuaresma notes.


“我们的结果量化了此类政策在森林覆盖损失方面可能产生的潜在成本,” Cuaresma告诉网络,解释基于证据的发展政策should be enacted to minimise deforestation and combat the negative effects of climate change.


肯尼亚森林服务局经济学负责人塞缪尔·穆里西(Samuel Muriithi)表示,这项研究有助于解释可持续发展。

“This study can be useful in policy formulation,” Muriithi tells。网





Jesús Crespo Cuaresma and others经济发展和森林覆盖:卫星数据的证据(科学报告, 16 January 2017)