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  • New report identifies gaps in Africa’s use of digital platforms for solving challenges
  • It calls on governments to invest in digital platforms for sectors such as finance and health
  • Doing so could help Africa to create new products and reach other markets, says an expert

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[内罗毕]被称为区块链的超安全验证技术可以改变非洲的生命,这是一个报告says, providing access to safe cash for the 350 million without bank accounts and fighting the scourge of fake drugs

该报告本月(1月8日)由布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)(美国的一项思想thank)呼吁非洲国家更好地利用人工智能和区块链等技术,作为第四工业革命的一部分,其特征是融合该服务l,生物学和物理世界 - 成功地满足了大陆的社会和经济需求。

“Africa can use this fourth industrial revolution to chart its own industrial path with efficiency, reach out to other markets, develop new products and diversify their economies,” says Njuguna Ndung’u, a co-author of the report and an executive director of the African Economic Research Consortium.

区块链, the transaction-verifying technology usually associated with digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, works by cross checking each transaction against a series of records to ensure they all agree.


Njuguna Ndung’u, African Economic Research Consortium


Shireen Ramjoo, South Africa-based blockchain specialist, and head of Liquid Crypto-Money, says that using blockchain has eradicated the need for relying on intermediaries to make financial transactions.

“There are over 350 million unbanked people in Sub-Saharan Africa alone,” Ramjoo says. “The financial services sector is one that will benefit immensely in Africa especially in eradicating some financial hurdles, which will see more people banked, and more people transacting across the continent like never before,”

Ndung’u, a former governor of the Central Bank of Kenya, agrees that digitisation has enabled the unbanked to make retail electronic payments and computer-generated savings.



Ramjoo告诉SciDev.Netthat African决策者应优先考虑对数字解决方案的投资和私营部门的合作伙伴,以使大陆能够与世界其他地区竞争。

根据该报告,如果非洲未能认识并利用人工智能,区块链和第四工业革命带来的机会,businessesrisk falling further behind, lowering global competitiveness and enlarging the global “数字划分”。



Njuguna ndung’u和LandrySignéThe Fourth Industrial Revolution and digitization will transform Africa into a global powerhouse(布鲁金斯研究所,2020年1月8日)