

Sainata Ouedraogo在她家的蚊帐下


  • 研究人员使用七个方案评估了对床网的需求
  • 他们发现大多数消费者更喜欢购买床网
  • 但是专家说,需要实践研究来评估实际需求

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[dar es salaam]需求和购买杀虫剂处理的网(ITN)的意愿可能会增加覆盖范围malaria- 坦桑尼亚的流行地区study建议。

Researchers from Tanzania and the United States say that it is challenging to achieve the WHO recommendation of every two household members having a bed net in regions where malaria transmission is high, and thus factors that impact demand for ITNs should be explored.

According to the National Malaria Control Programme in Tanzania, 90 per cent of the population live in areas with a high risk of malaria transmission.

In the study published last month (14 July) in the疟疾杂志,研究人员进行了离散选择试验, an approach that involves asking participants to identify which products they prefer when presented with two or more options at fixed prices.

研究人员向坦桑尼亚Ruvuma和Mwanza地区的参与者介绍了具有七种具有诸如床网尺寸,形状和杀虫剂治疗的ITN的情况,并要求每个人都选择他们希望购买哪一个,以10,000坦桑尼亚先令(tanzanian Shillings)(大约4美元)。

“If people are given a chance to buy, the [bed] net coverage and use should increase, thereby reducing malaria incidence.”

Chris Gingrich, Eastern Mennonite University


Chris Gingrich, a co-author and an economics professor at the US-based Eastern Mennonite University, says that free distribution of ITNs should no longer be the sole means of ensuring the coverage.

“If people are given a chance to buy, the [bed] net coverage and use should increase, thereby reducing malaria incidence,” Gingrich explains.

Amos Kahwa, a co-author and a senior research scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania, says the selection of study regions was strategic.

“These regions had been recently involved in bed net programmes under the national subsidised voucher scheme for pregnant women andinfants,“ 他说scidev.net

“Our assumption was that people would show little interest in buying additional nets.

“There are people who were given free bed nets [in the past] and they chose to use them for other purposes such as turning them intofishingnets. There was need to find out whether people value them.’’

但是坦桑尼亚伊法卡拉健康研究所的研究科学家弗雷德里克·哈拉卡(Frederick Haraka)告诉scidev.netthat there is a need for studies that reflect practical demand for buying bed nets.

“The study sounds logical but I think it needs to be piloted first,” Haraka says, explaining that requiring people to use their income to buy bed nets may help gauge actual demand.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.


Chris D. Gingrich and others坦桑尼亚的床网的需求和付费意愿:选择实验的结果((疟疾杂志, 14 July 2017)