
African healthcare workers ‘suffering stress, burnout’

a-nurse-Checks the-emperature-a-Patient
护士检查患者的温度。版权:多米尼克·查韦斯/世界银行,,,,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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  • 研究人员评估了COVID-19引起的非洲医疗保健工作者的压力
  • 他们发现7​​1%的压力承受了压力,有70%的人遭受倦怠
  • Stress management interventions are needed in Africa, says an expert

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[ACCRA] The pandemic could worsen in Sub-Saharan Africa ifhealthcareworkers leave their jobs because of fear ofCOVID-19,,,,stress, burnout and poor remuneration, astudy建议。

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a jointstatement上个月说,其伴侣和成员国“深切关注可能的死亡人数,总体低疫苗和疫苗接种率和vaccinesinequities among healthcare workers in low- and middle-income countries”.

The statement added that as of September 2021, less than ten per cent of healthcare workers in the WHO African region had been fully vaccinated while the corresponding figure for 22 mostly high-income countries was more than 80 per cent. It urged political leaders and policymakers to do all within their power to make regulatory,政策and investment decisions that ensure the protection of healthcare workers.

“Higher perceived preparedness was associated with higher satisfaction, while high stress and burnout were associated with lower satisfaction.”

Patience Afulani, University of California, San Francisco

根据study出版于PLOS Global Public Health加纳和肯尼亚的三分之一的医护人员(38%)对他们的工作不满意。

Around 62 per cent said they were unprepared for the pandemic, while about 70 per cent said they were experiencing stress and 69 per cent suffered from burnout.

“Given the already precarious position of the healthcare workforce in Africa, if efforts are not put in place to improve job satisfaction among healthcare workers, the pandemic could be worsened by either healthcare workers leaving their jobs or performing poorly,” says Patience Afulani, lead author and an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco in the United States.

Afulani said thestudywas conducted in two phases: phase one included data collected in Ghana from 17 April to 31 May 2020, while for phase two data was collected in Ghana and Kenya from 9 November 2020 to 8 March 2021.


“Higher perceived preparedness was associated with higher satisfaction while high stress and burnout were associated with lower satisfaction,” Afulani explains.


加纳开发研究医学院院长斯蒂芬·塔比里(Stephen Tabiri)说:“这项研究与撒哈拉以南非洲以下的[医疗保健工人]和利益相关者非常相关,因为它已经证明了……许多人对他们的许多人不满意working environment and conditions and more especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.”He adds that implementing the proposed interventions of this study is necessary to improve job satisfaction, performance, commitment, absenteeism, retention, turnover as well as patients’ satisfaction.

Tabiri告诉scidev.net为了减轻未来大流行的影响,撒哈拉以南非洲的医疗保健经理应接受有效的培训沟通and how to provide support for frontline healthcare workers and their families.
