
Rise in gender-based violence amid lockdowns

Nurses share information on health services
护士分享有关卫生服务的信息。版权:Yagazie Emezi/Getty图像/授权图像

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  • COVID-19 is exacerbating gender-based violence against women in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Resources for addressing the needs of women facing violence are inadequate
  • WhatsApp被用于咨询幸存者,但辅导员也面临挑战

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尼克·阿特菲尔德(Nicci Attfield)写道,在共同妇女面对非洲妇女面临的基于性别的暴力方面至关重要。

[Capetown]安吉拉·昆图(Angela Kuntu)是一名移民家庭劳工和住在南非的保姆,一晚上下班乘出租车回家。


“我不希望我的丈夫了解强奸和婴儿。我告诉我的雇主我正在流血,我被强奸了。”她告诉scidev.net。“辅导员为我安排了医院约会,但我不想使用[公共]transportbecause it reminds me of the rape.”


Emma Arogundade, Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust


南非强奸危机开普敦信托基金会的咨询协调员Shiralee MacDonald解释说,在大流行期间,由于锁定限制和失业,许多妇女与虐待者被困在同一房屋中。


伊丽莎白·卡塔纳(Elizabeth Katana),作者学习on violence in Uganda during theCOVID-19lockdown, explains that gender-based violence is often “shadowed”, and survivors are often unwilling to share their experiences with others. As a result, many cases go unreported or unidentified, she tellsscidev.net
与强奸危机信任一起工作的学者艾玛·阿罗贡达德(Emma Arogundade)补充说,由于围绕强奸或基于性别的暴力造成污名,这些感觉存在。


由于判断和羞耻,许多妇女害怕让自己的伴侣或社区知道自己的创伤经历。可访问的精神卫生保健is therefore crucial.

But Masana Ndinga-Kanga, the Crisis Response Fund Lead at South Africa-based CIVICUS, a global non-profit organisation which aims to strengthen citizen action and civil society, says that the COVID-19 pandemic has cut off much of the community-based care for women in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Resources for survivors are limited in countries such as Uganda, explains Katana, with most survivors seeking support from trusted community members and family.



Görgens draws on studies which show that while mothers within communities are helping each other to care for孩子们, many are going without food to meet their children’s nutritional needs.


Dealing with trauma during COVID-19


Julia Borbor (not her real name) has a history of sexual assault. COVID-19 presented a double fear for her. Pregnant before the pandemic, she was worried that a COVID-19 infection would put her at risk because of her high blood pressure, and was therefore reluctant to seek care from her local clinic. She was also scared of attending doctors’ appointments as well as giving birth alone because of a past history of sexual assault and a fear of experiencing trauma again.


Lack of a single gynaecologist means telling and re-telling a trauma story, something which can be difficult for survivors of violence or rape. Julia explains that she was treated with sensitivity and “given the option to have an elective Caesarean surgery”.



Obstetric violence during the pandemic

Sometimes women who have not experienced sexual trauma can face obstetric violence during childbirth – abuse by medical staff. Gorgens explains that while there are no studies to reveal the extent of this violence, there is a risk that the pandemic could make it worse.

As a result of the pandemic you couldn’t have anyone with you. So, the assumption can be that perhaps obstetric violence cases rose, but we don’t know. We only study maternal deaths,” Gorgens tellsscidev.net

Cheryl Suduka (not her real name) says that she had a terrible experience while giving birth in a public hospital in South Africa.

She explains, “They wouldn’t let me speak to my partner. I could go out and meet him at the gate but he couldn’t be present for the birth. During the process of delivery, I wasn’t in control. They believe they know what is best for you. Even with painkillers, they don’t ask you. They just say ‘you must cooperate with us.

“甚至当你试图做他们说他们只是年代ay ‘you are not cooperating.’ I ended up having an operation.



According to Ndinga-Kanga, there is a need to address the gender dimensions of COVID-19 particularly among women who have lived through gender-based violence.


The Thuthuzela Care Centres in South Africa offer medical care, counselling, assistance with filing a police report and court preparation. Survivors are able to receive continuing counselling, and also be transported to a place of safety, on request.

“A lot of our clients are very poor and can’t go for a walk because it would mean risking further violence.”

Shiralee MacDonald,强奸危机开普敦信托

MacDonald explains that women can go to their local police station or clinic for support. While some community clinics are working hard to reduce the secondary traumas women experience during forensic examination, other women do face stressful experiences.

She says: “The medical exam is definitely traumatising. Services such as those at the Thuthuzela Care Centres which were set up by the South African government to offer assistance to rape survivors are set up to help reduce secondary trauma but they can’t take it away altogether because sadly, the doctor is touching the survivor in the same places the perpetrator did.”
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麦克唐纳(MacDonald)解释说,许多强奸幸存者更喜欢保持匿名。强奸危机开普敦信托基金会提供WhatsAppcounselling to rape survivors and the service is free to survivors from all areas who need assistance. Some women use their local clinics to access data for this service.

But Ndinga-Kanga adds that lay counsellors in community-based organisations face challenges while counselling trauma survivors. Bearing witness to the pain of others can be harrowing for lay counsellors who are at risk of secondary trauma. Trauma counsellors can also feel helpless and unable to offer standard coping methods to their clients.

Jenny Potus (not her real name), a lay counsellor, recounts the challenges of assisting victims in Africa.



Many women who have been exposed to gender-based violence do not only need access to counselling, but also to adequate healthcare, MacDonald tellsscidev.net。

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.