
Africa in prime position to profit from camel’s milk

camel milk
骆驼牛奶对科学家确定的广泛健康益处版权:图像:曼弗雷德·里希特(Manfred Richter)Pixabay

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  • 骆驼牛奶的广泛健康益处由科学家确定
  • 全球市场预计每年增长8%
  • 但是在运输,热处理产品中仍然存在障碍

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作为全球营养学家健康benefits of camel milk, its commercial potential is burgeoning – with80 per cent世界上居住在非洲的骆驼种群中。

但是障碍仍然使这个长生不老药transportable and palatable.

骆驼的牛奶可以防止一系列疾病as well as providing an important source of nutrition for millions of people, according to a recent报告


“The fact that camel’s milk has more advantages than disadvantages cannot be overemphasised. All the apparent challenges have plausible solutions.”

Poya Njoka,马拉维农业,灌溉和水发展部beplay下载官网西西软件


“Vitamin C is three to five times higher [in camel’s milk] than in cow’s milk, which makes it an important part of diet in arid areas where green foods have limited accessibility,” says the study.

Camel milk also contains certain substances such as bioactive peptides and enzymes not present in cow’s milk, which account for its traditional use for treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis and asthma.


Other substances in camel’s milk may help treat blood, lung, liver and breast cancer by inhibiting the spread of the malignant cells, such as the HepG2 liver cancer cell and the MCF7 breast cancer cell, and stimulating the body’s defence against them, the study says.


当骆驼的牛奶在世界范围内越来越受欢迎时,这些发现就来了。一年一度Camel Dairy Market report (2021-26),2021年2月出版,他说,全球市场去年达到23亿美元,预计将以每年8%的增长。

Food sourcing companyTridge在其网站上发布市场情报的,肯尼亚是全球最大的骆驼牛奶生产国,其次是索马里,马里,埃塞俄比亚和沙特阿拉伯,基于2019年的数据。

According to Adel Omar, a Libyan food and营养scientist currently based in Spain, increased demand for camel’s milk is being driven by recognition of its health benefits and improvements in production and storage technologies. But challenges remain.


Some progress has been made to enable partial pasteurisation of camel’s milk by heat-treatment at a lower temperature than for cow’s milk, adds Omar. This type of commercial research and development is continuing and has enabled camel farms in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to supply European supermarkets with milk over the past few years.



Poya Njoka, chief epidemiologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Malawi, says that camel’s milk has always been part of the diet for some nomadic people from time immemorial. It is more expensive than cow’s milk.



Lauren Jones, Action on Poverty

“这意味着需要太久才在随后的出生中开始生产牛奶。骆驼会产生较少的牛奶:每天六升牛奶,而每天产生24升的母牛。骆驼的种群远低于母牛。所有这些因素导致骆驼的牛奶产量低,但需求不断增加。” Njoka解释说


He, however, says that increasing the population of camels through importation or breeding could be an option, but it may raise ethical issues in some quarters.

“Camel’s milk was originally consumed in the eastern countries. It has recently become commercial food in the west and other countries. This implies that camels are being imported to places where they didn’t originally inhabit,” Njoka explains. “This can be handled by consulting the ethical clearing committee for the concerned countries.”

Another concern, Njoka says, is that many believe that camels are not adapted to machine-milking and selective breeding may also be required to boost their milk production and to improve the ease of milking them.

“The fact that camel’s milk has more advantages than disadvantages cannot be overemphasised,” says Njoka. “All the apparent challenges have plausible solutions. This implies that it would be of great service to humanity to grant them access to camel’s milk so that they benefit from its numerous advantages.”


奥马尔(Omar)在2018 - 19年间在英格兰雷丁大学(Reading University)进行热处理骆驼牛奶的热处理进行了研究,分析了发生的牛奶的变化,并组织了志愿者在各种温度下品尝治疗的牛奶样品。


While at Reading, Omar also conducted preliminary experiments to test whether applying pressure to camel’s milk could destroy spoilage bacteria without degrading the proteins to a great extent.






Lauren Jones, Action on Poverty’s projects and trusts manager, says that the Camili project has already improved hygiene standards, such as introducing aluminium milk containers in place of traditional wooden ones, which harbour bacteria.

