



  • 非洲是四个国家中三个可能在2017年被饥荒袭击的国家
  • African governments must invest in sustainable water supply to boost farming
  • 政府应向中国,印度和斯里兰卡等其他国家学习



Esther Ngumbi写道,要使非洲结束慢性饥饿,政府必须投资可持续的水供应。




阿拉巴马州奥本大学的Esther Ngumbi。美国

African governments, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and humanitarian relief agencies, including the United Nations World Food Programme, continue to launch short-term solutions such as food relief supplies to avert the situation. Kenya, for example, is handing cash transfers and food relief to its affected citizens. The UN World Food Programme is also distributing food to drought-stricken Somalia. [5] And in Zambia, the政府正在采用包括军队在内的每种工具来打击害虫侵扰。[6]



Many African smallholder farmers depend on rain-fed agriculture, and because last year’s rains were inadequate, many farmers never harvested any crops. Indeed, failed rains across parts of the Horn of Africa have led to the current drought that is affecting Somalia, south-eastern Ethiopia and northern and eastern Kenya. [7]


It is not rocket science.农业与水齐头并进。没有它就不会有耕种。尽管这似乎很容易推理,但很少有组织正在努力确保非洲农民和公民可以使用永久性水源。一年四季都可以使用水源来确保农民可以年复一年地耕种。




阿拉巴马州奥本大学的Esther Ngumbi。美国


Acknowledging this dilemma, Mitiku Kassa, the Ethiopia’s commissioner for disaster risk management, is reported to have described how hard it was to direct even a fifth of his budget towards well drilling. [8] But such decisions must be made. The Ethiopian government still made that tough decision and sunk hundreds of bore wells throughout the country.



African countries can learn from other countries. Countries in the developed world have sustained their agriculture efforts by either drilling water wells to ensure they have access to the water they need for farming or by investing in rain and flood water harvesting. In the United States, California, for example, there have been a rise in the number of wells being drilled by farmers who use well water for farming. [9] In 2016 alone, farmers in the San Joaquin Valley dug about 2,500 wells, a number that was five times the annual average reported in the last 30 years.

Countries such as Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand have made progress and are working on pilot projects that capture, harvest and store flood water. [10] Stored water is then available for use by communities when they need it the most. Harvesting and storing water and making it available for agriculture, especially during the dry seasons, will allow citizens and smallholder farmers to farm throughout the year. These would further improve the resilience of farmers to the unpredictable气候变化


Esther Ngumbi是美国阿拉巴马州奥本大学昆虫学和植物病理学系的博士后研究员。她是2015年克林顿全球大学(CGI U)农业导师,并且是阿斯彭学院(Aspen Institute)的2015年新声音研究员。beplay下载官网西西软件可以通过enn0002@tigermail.auburn.edu与她联系



[1] Humphrey Nkonde对玉米收获的戏剧威胁(Development and Cooperation, 6 March 2017)
[3] Karen McVeigh索马里的饥荒担心促使联合国呼吁“立即和大规模”反应(《卫报》,2017年2月3日)
[5] Kazungu Samuel肯尼亚:红十字会借助干旱的基利比居民(Allafrica,2017年)
[6]陆军蠕虫入侵赞比亚的农场(Azania Post,2017年2月6日)
[7]Lesson learned? An urgent call for action in response to the drought crisis in the horn of Africa(2017年东非和中非的灾难准备工作组)
[8] Amanda LittleThe Ethiopian Guide to Famine Prevention(彭博商业周,2016年12月22日)
[9]中央山谷农民更多地钻更多,更深的井作为干旱限制(CBS SF湾地区,2016年9月15日)