
Press ‘censored’ as COVID-19 pushes events online

The shift to online events has made it easier for organisers to control information, writes Joel Adriano. Copyright: Image byJoshua WoronieckiPixabay。该图像已裁剪。

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  • Rise of online press briefings has led to increasing controls
  • Searching questions are often filtered or ignored
  • 记者期待重返“正常”

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[MANILA] For better or worse, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced actual live events to move online.

In theory, this should have made them more accessible to the媒体, and news coverage easier and cheaper, especially since it removes the considerable expenses on travel.



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A lot of events now have become one-way monologues, with rigid structures and little interaction. An editor who declined to be named shared her reporters’ complaints that online press conferences spent too much time on presentations, leaving little or no time for question and answer sessions. This way they not only filter the questions but also filter those who can ask them using the lack of time to entertain only one or two questions.



In other ways, the shift to online has been generally good, making it easier forSciDev.Netjournalists like Neena Bhandari to attend global events. But there is no substitute for meeting people in real life.

“Looking forward to when life returns to normal and we would be able to meet and brainstorm in person,” Bhandari says.

“I hope to see the live events soon”, agrees one Philippine-based journalist. “Besides, I miss the free-flowing coffee.”

这一块was produced by SciDev.Net’s Asia & Pacific desk.