
How to consider gender in science reporting

Practical Guide Gender Women Men Reporting
Copyright: Video Volunteers/Suzanne Lee

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  • 性别-sensitive reporting means taking into account the impact of science on women and men
  • It is important to check whether research was carried out in a gender-sensitive way
  • Tailor your approach according to the topic that you are reporting on

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There are many topics where you can tell more complete stories by considering gender.

For example, if you are writing about Ebola it is fundamental to consider that West African women are disproportionately affected by the virus because they are more likely to be nurses or cleaners in the publichealth部门。[1]

并非所有主题都会具有如此明显的性别角度,但是从所有受试者都具有性别维度的假设开始可能会导致您带来一些意想不到的故事。以下是关键注意事项的列表scidev.neteditors and journalists suggest you employ when developing stories.

Some important questions to consider





Consider: Who is marginalised by the technology/advance/policy/research that you are reporting on?


拉开统计数据 - 男女的数据是否分开?


Has the underlying research you are reporting on considered how it might impact women and men differently?




Interview a gender analyst if it is relevant.


Consider tapping into available statistics and data on gender.


How will you avoid stereotyping male and female roles when including a gender angle?


Don’t assume that science is ‘gender neutral’. Question whether the study design has taken into account the needs of both women and men equally.

For example, in the past women were excluded from toxicology research, creating flaws in our understanding of the adverse health effects of exposure to toxic metals. We now know that these affect women and men in significantly different ways. [2] The lack ofdata关于毒理学模型的女性意味着特定药物可能对男人和女性有所不同,这可能对个性化构成障碍药物

Scrutinise different stages of the scientific method to check if the science you are reporting on is truly gender sensitive. The following are key questions you could ask of research and/or researchers. Here gender refers to sociocultural differences whilst sex to biochemical ones.

Research-blue.jpg Research questions
Tick-blue-beige.jpg Have gender and/or sex factors been considered as key research variables throughout the whole of the work?
tick-blue.jpg Does the research question(s) or hypothesis/es make reference to gender and/or sex, or relevant groups, or phenomena (e.g., differences between males and females, differences among women, understanding a gendered phenomenon such as masculinity)?

Study-design-blue.jpg Study design
Tick-blue-beige.jpg Does the research use only male or only female subjects (humans, animals or plants) or both?
tick-blue.jpg 在这一研究领域,通常对性/性别进行哪些假设?

Data-collection-blue.jpg Data collection
Tick-blue-beige.jpg 这项研究是否收集了性别/性别的数据,或者仅收集了一个数据,如果是这样,为什么?
tick-blue.jpg Are the commonly used methods (such as questionnaires, surveys) and sources of data (such as biobanks, observational studies) sensitive to gathering sex/gender information?

Even if data are collected for male and females, it is not always the case that analyses discriminate between the two. This will certainly have implications for the validity of conclusions made.
Data-analysis-blue.jpg Data analysis
Tick-blue-beige.jpg 数据是否被性别/性别隔离并进行了分析以证明是否存在显着差异?
tick-blue.jpg Have the observed effects been different for males and females and if so why?

Women and men may have different needs and expectations for research outcomes and this should be reflected in the results, it will also have implications for the validity of conclusions made.
Results Blue.jpg Results
Tick-blue-beige.jpg Has the researcher identified if being male or female impacts on the outcomes of the intervention and explained these?
tick-blue.jpg Do the results account for differences within the group (men or women) depending on age, ethnicity, and physical characteristics such as obesity or height of the subjects?

Science-led development initiatives are not uncommon but they frequently fail to integrate gender research. Reporting research in a way that highlights impacts on women and men will help mainstream this knowledge into sustainable development initiatives.
结论blue.jpg Conclusions
Tick-blue-beige.jpg Who will benefit from this research in terms of sex/gender?
tick-blue.jpg 如果出于任何原因的好处是性别/性别偏见,那么在研究中的下一步措施是什么?

选择正确的image for your story


This is important because the subjects of the photo, what they are doing, how they relate to each other, the photo’s composition, and many other characteristics will have an impact on the message that the reader might take away from the article or story.


There are a whole host of questions like this to consider. The following are three images fromscidev.netarticles with their respective headlines. They have been annotated for key features that made them suitable for the article or story in question.

Image 1 How to target a journal
Headline:How to target a journal that’s right for your research
Tick-green.jpg Men and woman playing an active role — does not reinforce any stereotypical gender roles.
Tick-green-beige.jpg 通过颜色传达多样性 - 主题会影响各种各样的人。
Tick-green.jpg 男人和女人同样参与知情,因为研究对男人和女人有影响。

Image 2 PG
Headline:Urban sustainability should look outside cities
Tick-green.jpg 城市可持续性也需要考虑到城市以外的人的发展需求;该图显示了男女参与的重要日常活动。
Tick-green-beige.jpg 图像显示了农村地区而不是城市地区 - 与标题形成鲜明对比,并使其更令人难忘或引人注目。
Tick-green.jpg 向人们展示了向观众的支持,这可能象征着被忽视的城市郊区。

Image 3
Tick-green.jpg Image shows collaboration between men and women.
Tick-green-beige.jpg In this image, both the woman and man have access to the technology; it can convey the need for technology to be inclusive.


How you choose to approach a story will depend on the subject matter or topic; not just the scientific research. There will be different aspects to consider depending on whether you are talking about the implications of a new政策or writing aboutbiofuels

scidev.neteditors and journalists have suggested the following general and gender-specific points to consider for key development topics.

  • 技术,采矿,运输,城市化
  • tick-purple-beige.jpg 技术的间接影响。例如,采矿可能具有环境和劳动力尺寸。beplay足球体育的微博
    tick-purple-beige.jpg The affordability differentials for a new technology, or the impact on other resources required by a family.
    tick-purple-beige.jpg 对家庭中不同个人的健康的影响。
    tick-purple-beige.jpg How the labour movement/migration required by some industries affect individuals within families.
    tick-purple-beige.jpg Who receives the income from the technology.
  • 气候,健康,营养
  • tick-purple-beige.jpg Women’s input into health/nutrition stories as parents, and their involvement in child health.
    tick-purple-beige.jpg Will female or male beneficiaries have different levels of access to what’s being reported on e.g. food, aid, health initiative.
    tick-purple-beige.jpg 想想母亲的健康角度。
    tick-purple-beige.jpg Lifestyle/physiological and cultural aspects of disease vectors.
  • Policymakers, implementing technologies
  • tick-purple-beige.jpg 变革在社区层面的影响。
    tick-purple-beige.jpg What needs to be asked of policymakers? For example, inclusion, barriers, participation, opportunity.
    tick-purple-beige.jpg 是否以性别盲的方式实施政策?
    tick-purple-beige.jpg If policymakers are deciding on a new technology, have civil society/user groups been consulted about access and usability?
    tick-purple-beige.jpg 实施者是否认为女性是技术的参与者/受益人?技术使用的障碍是什么?
    tick-purple-beige.jpg 实施者是否认为妇女是一个市场,还是将性别平衡视为问题?

Useful networks and resources


  • 性别InSITE
  • 一个国际网络,旨在提高决策者对全球发展挑战的性别和科学,创新,技术和工程(现场)维度的认识。


  • 性别峰会
  • The Gender Summits are a series of interconnected action-based conferences held across the globe under the theme Quality Research and Innovation through Equality.

  • 全球的Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender
  • A global network that brings together 12 UNESCO Chairs on gender; developing gender research, training and advocacy in different fields around the world.

    This is useful if you are looking for regional/country information and perspectives on key gender and development issues from around the world.
  • 性别ed Innovations
  • The peer-reviewed Gendered Innovations project develops practical methods of sex and gender analysis for scientists and engineers; and provides case studies as concrete illustrations of how sex and gender analysis leads to innovation.

    This is useful to better understand the relevance of sex and gender in research. Practical resource with checklists, guidelines, cases studies and much more on a number of topics.
  • Pacific Science Association
  • 未来的人力资源:亚洲和太平洋科学的妇女和年轻科学家致力于一个更公平,可持续的全球社区,所有男女都有平等的机会来应对全球社区面临的挑战。

    This is useful if you want to learn more about gender in science, technology, engineering and mathematic South East Asia and Pacific Region.
  • Forum for African Women Educationalists
  • Promotes gender equity and equality in education in Africa by fostering positive policies, practices and attitudes towards girls’ education.

    This is useful if your story explores educational issues in Africa.

  • 一个针对非洲和亚洲的国际性别和可持续能源网络。
    This is useful if you are working on a story about sustainable energy in Africa and Asia.

  • 妇女组织农业和自然资源管理的变革是女性和男性专业人士的国际会员beplay下载官网西西软件网络,为农业和自然资源管理组织提供专业知识。

  • 联合国栖息地
  • UN-HABITAT是联合国计划,致力于建立更好的城市未来。性别页面侧重于妇女和女孩的土地和住房权;城市妇女和女孩的安全;妇女和贫民窟;妇女和女孩的生计和经济赋权;地方和城市治理中的妇女和女孩;妇女和女孩的健康;促进性别平等的城镇。


  • IRC Women and Water
  • IRC is an international think-and-do tank that works with governments, NGOs, entrepreneurs and people around the world to find long-term solutions to the global crisis in water, sanitation and hygiene services.

    This is useful if you are working on a story about sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services.

性别-sensitive reporting will be a new way of working for many journalists. But if you apply these tips and mine these information sources, you’ll soon be telling richer stories — and ones that more completely reflect the lives of both men and women.

This practical guide was written in collaboration with the following people:

Shirley Malcom, head of the directorate for education and human resources programmes at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is also co-chair联合国科学技术发展委员会的性别咨询委员会和全球性别委员会(科学,创新,技术和工程学的性别)活动。

Portia主任Elizabeth Pollitzer;一个非营利组织,促进了科学,工程和技术中性别平等的有效机构策略,以及将性别维度纳入研究和创新过程。

Sophia Huyer, director of GenderInSITE, an international network to raise awareness among decision-makers on the gender and SITE dimensions of global development challenges.
Felicity Mellor,course leader for the MSc in Science Communication, and lecturer on media theory and science journalism at Imperial College London.


[1]Ebola outbreak takes its toll on women(联合国妇女,2014年9月2日)
[2]性别-based differences in the toxicity of pharmaceuticals — The Food and Drug Administration’s perspective(妇女健康,食品和药物管理局,2001年)