
Waste does not exist: there is only post-trash

Low- and middle- income countries often have poorly developed waste management systems and uncontrolled refuse disposal Copyright: Image byvkingxlPixabay

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  • 到2050年,全球废物产生将增长70%
  • 发展中国家在处理废物方面面临特殊的挑战
  • 必须最大化材料的重复使用

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With waste generation set to soar in developing regions, material reuse is crucial, say experts from the International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD).

On Earth Day(22 April 2019),令人震惊的是,世界银行估计,全球固体废物目前每年超过20亿吨,到2050年将增长70%。

Plastics alone account for about 12 per cent of the current total of municipal solid waste.


“We need to stop thinking of any materials as being waste and the very concept of waste matter should disappear.”

IOCD members Henning Hopf, Alain Krief, Goverdhan Mehta, Stephen A. Matlin

But we increasingly understand that this negative view has become inappropriate and that a more positive approach is necessary to achieve可持续性

Waste is a particular problem for developing countries. This is not because they produce more. While only accounting for 16 per cent of the world’s population, high-income countries generate about 34 per cent of the world’s waste.




In a world of finite resources, with enormous quantities of discarded matter damaging Earth’sbeplay足球体育的微博生物多样性, it is imperative that this further use is maximised.



Attention globally is now being given to capturing this carbon dioxide and either storing it long-term (e.g. buried in abandoned mines or under the seabed) or converting it into products like refrigerants, carbonated drinks, fuels and fertilizers.


Developing countries face a triple challenge in handling waste:

Low- and middle- income countries often have poorly developed waste management systems, so refuse is discarded in an uncontrolled manner or its disposal is not environmentally safe.

India’s award-winning浪漫主义学教育计划是旨在通过行为改变减少生产和不受控制的垃圾丢弃的众多举措之一。



The3R Initiative(减少,重复使用和回收)努力有效利用资源和材料的循环。由2004年G8峰会同意,已被许多国家(特别是亚洲)采用,并成为所谓的“循环经济”的核心特征。

This approach aims to break the global ‘take, make, consume and dispose’ pattern of growth.

While increasing attention to these approaches is extremely welcome, we need a fundamental shift in global thinking if they are to have maximum impact.

Language itself conditions attitude and the word ‘waste’ needs to be replaced by a term with more positive connotations, that encourages constructive thinking about what is currently discarded.

We propose the new term ‘post-trash’. Examples of post-trash include manufacturing and agricultural by-products, product packaging, and the products themselves when no longer wanted.

The shift in language will signal a change inhowmatter is perceived when it is no longer needed for the original purpose and encourage the question “whatcan we now do with this matter?”


我们必须重用post-trash practical and learn how it can be efficiently and safely stored, instead of allowing waste to be discarded and contaminate our environment.

IOCD members Henning Hopf, Alain Krief, Goverdhan Mehta, and Stephen A. Matlin