

版权:克里斯·斯托夫斯 /潘诺斯


  • 粮农组织改变了方法,以更好地反映食物价格峰值之后的现实
  • 但是学者们担心这会淡化慢性营养不良
  • 额外的饥饿指标将改善可持续发展目标进度的测量


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这UN is defending its decision to revise how it measures chronic hunger, saying the change was needed to better reflect reality.

这revision has come under fire from academics, one of whom says the resulting statistics paint a “much-too-rosy trend picture”.



Carlo Cafiero, FAO

FAO统计学家Carlo Cafiero说:“使用的模型是基于错误的假设,即每个人都面临着与国际交易食品商品的价格高。”他说,该方法未能考虑到政府政策,例如停止食品出口以保护消费者免受粮食价格的飙升。

使用新方法,数据显示了过去25年中饥饿稳定下降(请参见下图)。但是并非每个人都买FAO’s conclusion自1990年代初以来,饥饿人群的比例下降了21%,尽管现在有19亿人生活在地球上。

“粮农组织的新方法非常低估了长期营养不良的人群和人的数量,”美国耶鲁大学的哲学家托马斯·波格(Thomas Pogge)世界营养社论published last month. His article is the latest in a series of criticisms levelled at the FAO’s method.

Pogge calls the FAO estimates “primitive” and “much-too-rosy”.


Hunger facts 2.jpg

Although it stands by its numbers, the FAO acknowledges that having additional indicators would improve measurement of progress towards the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ricardo Rapallo, a food security officer in the FAO’s office for Latin America and the Caribbean, says that using sampling studies as proposed by Pogge — covering, for example, body mass index, actual nutrient consumption and parasite prevalence — could improve hunger monitoring.



This project, calledVoices of the Hungry, collected data from 147 countries last year as part of the盖洛普世界民意调查- 包括对问题的回答,例如人们是否不得不跳过一顿饭或只吃几种食物,因为他们缺乏金钱或其他资源。该项目的第一个结果将于下个月发布。


[1]State of food insecurity in the world 2015: In brief((FAO, 27 May 2015)
[2] Thomas PoggeFood and nutrition insecurity: World hunger books are cooked((世界营养,2015年7月)