
Traits that could boost livestock productivity found


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  • 研究人员分析了120种非洲牛的遗传信息,以获得宝贵的品质
  • They uncovered traits that could confer disease- and drought-resistance
  • 一位专家说

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[内罗毕]非洲土著牛的特征使它们能够生存下来的热量,drought疾病such as trypanosomiasis, giving hope of breeding a new, superior generation that could boost productivity, astudy找到了。

Researchers say that interventions such as selection of cattle breeds that can address challenges such as absence of vaccine and increasing drug resistance are urgently needed to boostlivestock在撒哈拉以南非洲的生产。

该研究发表在Nature Genetics,涉及对非洲土著牛基因组的完整基因的分析。它产生了一个证据,表明土著牧民牧民开始用当地的牛磺酸品种繁殖亚洲Zebu牛,这提供了允许牛在非洲典型的炎热,干燥的气候中生存的特征埃塞俄比亚和索马里。

“If cattle pastoralism was so successful on the Eastern part of the African continent, it was because of ancient crossbreeding”

奥利维尔·哈诺特(Olivier Hanotte),国际牲畜研究所


“我们目前的育种策略与过去没有什么不同。一千年前,它使我们能够殖民新的栖息地。今天,它将[美国]能够应对牲畜产品的市场需求,并影响数百万的生计小持有人该研究的合着者,总部位于肯尼亚的国际牲畜研究所的首席科学家奥利维尔·哈诺特(Olivier Hanotte)说。

The findings resulted from a collaborative effort to analyse the genomes of 172 indigenous cattle.
Hanotte, a professor of genetics at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, says that insights gained from this study can be used to breed a new generation of African cattle that holds some of the qualities of European and American livestock that produce more milk and meat per animal but with the rich mosaic of traits that make African cattle more resilient and可持续的


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“These findings are far-reaching in today’s context of improving livestock productivity to respond to the needs of the growing human populations, with further crossbreeding of indigenous African cattle with exotic cattle recommended as one of the pathways for the continent’s food security,” the study says.

纳尔逊·曼德拉非洲科学技术学会的博士后科学家安德鲁·乔塔(Andrew Chota)告诉scidev.net这一发现是使用遗传信息改善我们的牲畜的未来努力的基础。

“畜牧业在非洲是非常重要的。李vestock provides营养和contribute to economic growth and household resilience,” explains Chota. “A key feature of livestock in Africa is that they fulfil multiple roles, ranging from draught power, to providing manure, milk and meat.”

“Drought, ticks and diseases are really the big threats to livestock productivity in Africa,” he adds.


