

Copyright: James Morgan / Panos

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  • OTEC generates power by converting the temperature differences in ocean waters
  • The Philippines would have been the first in the world to commercialise OTEC
  • 但是缺乏基于送税率的数据是一个主要的绊脚石

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[马尼拉]让菲律宾失去了成为世界上第一个商业化海洋热量的国家的机会18beplay conversion (OTEC)?

In 2011, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the first OTEC plant in Zambales province will be operational in 2018. That would have made the Philippines the first country to scale up OTECtechnology

OTEC generates power by converting the temperature differential between the warm surfacewaters深海进入蒸气,在适度的压力下膨胀,将涡轮机连接到产生电力的发电机。

Due to the delay in granting the feed-in tariff (FIT) rate, the opening has been moved back to 2022, says Desiree Latimer, president of Bell Pirie Power (Philippines), which holds a 1,200-hectare service contract in Zambales to generate 10 megawatts of electricity using OTEC.

拉蒂默告诉拉蒂默说:“该项目已被加勒比海马提尼克岛的另一个拟议的10兆瓦植物取代,预计将在Zambales之前上线。”scidev.net,除非中国在海南岛(Hainan Island)提议的10兆瓦项目开放,否则菲律宾添加菲律宾可能仍然是第一个在亚洲商业化的OTEC技术。

“OTEC is a proven technology,” she tells。网。“OTEC power plants now operate in Japan, South Korea and Hawaii at low kilowatt capacity because the owners are technology suppliers not interested inselling电力,但在出售其专有技术为OTEC(主要是热交换器)时。”


In 2012, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) granted FIT rates to four renewable technologies:生物质, hydro, wind and solar. It deferred the FIT for ocean energy until more数据are in, upon which the ERC said it will base the FIT.


The 2011 National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) targets 70.5 megawatts of ocean power from 2016 to 2030.

The figures anticipated the FIT decision in 2012 but since the FIT rate is delayed, the forecast “is no longer valid and has been superseded with one still unpublished,” Latimer says, adding that the 2016 NREP draft no longer expects an ocean energy project to happen in 2016-2020.

DOE可再生能源管理局主任Mario Marasigan补充说,另一个瓶颈是缺乏全面的数据以及社会接受和环境问题。beplay足球体育的微博

虽然海洋能源项目可能是因为它在水下,但它们仍然会对海洋环境产生影响。beplay足球体育的微博“The immediate vicinity of potential sites are fishing grounds, most are navigation routes, and if suddenly an infrastructure is up, then food security issues may arise,” Marasigan tellsscidev.net


This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s South-East Asia & Pacific desk.