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  • 国家可以使用糖蜜代替10%的汽油
  • 品牌也可以用来增加电力
  • Conversion to biofuels could start with gasoline-ethanol mix

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[库里蒂巴]从甘蔗生产乙醇可以减少在巴西以外的拉丁美洲国家进口的化石燃料,那里的甘蔗已经是其中的很大一部分18beplay 混合。

According to a study that analysed the potential of sugarcane as acleaner energysource in the region, bagasse — the pulp left after juice is extracted from sugarcane — can also improve electricity access in many countries.


In many countries in Africa and Latin America, access to electricity isinsufficient. Ifthey can use sugarcane residue to offer surplus electricity, they can improve electricity access, and people begin to change their views regarding bioenergy透明

Suani Teixeira


Published在《Renewable Energy,该研究还表明,仅通过增加使用当前数量的渣sse来改善许多国家 /地区的电力:在玻利维亚,萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯,它可以提供当前电力需求的3.5%。

使用两种情况来估计潜在的供应生物能来自拉丁美洲的甘蔗。一个是一个短期框架,它考虑了现有的甘蔗生产水平。第二个是一种中等至长期的方法,甘蔗种植占当前牧场的1%以上,乙醇不仅来自糖蜜,而且还直接来自甘蔗汁。这也假设汽油 - 乙醇混合物最多为20%。

"For countries like Colombia or Mozambique we suggest to start producing ethanol from molasses, like Brazil did," says Luis Barboza Cortez, an agricultural engineer from the University of Campinas and a co-author of the study. Cortez coordinates the five-year project, funded by the Brazilian research foundation Fapesp, which is evaluating the prospects of bioenergy production in Mozambique, South Africa, Colombia and Guatemala.

Brazil's sugarcane-based ethanol programme dates back to the 1970s, when it began in response to the oil crisis. Currently, Brazil is the world’s largest sugarcane producer. The country mandates a 27 per cent blend of ethanol with gasoline, and 16 per cent of the national energy supply comes from sugarcane products.

"When we talk about ethanol, we assume that the results we had in Brazil will be the same in other places, but it doesn't happen like that", says Cortez. He suggests that countries aim for a 10 per cent gasoline-ethanol blend to begin with.


圣保罗大学生物能源研究小组协调员Suani Teixeira告诉scidev.net许多国家有兴趣过渡到更清洁和可再生能源,但他们经常在实施生物能源政策方面面临困难。

“例如,莫桑比克制定了一项法律,要求汽油 - 乙醇混合物,但正在努力生效。他们不知道乙醇生产要花费多少,必须放置哪些补贴,等等。”她说。

Texeira was a supervisor of the Cogen for Africa project of the UN Environment Programme, whose goal was to scale up the use of energy cogeneration systems in Eastern and Southern African countries.

She suggests that sometimes it is better for a country to make a start by using plant residues, instead of liquid biofuels. "In many countries in Africa and Latin America, access to electricity is insufficient. If they can use sugarcane residues to offer surplus electricity, they can improve electricity access, and people will begin to change their views regarding bioenergy."

The study is the result of projects funded by FAPESP, one of the donors of SciDev.Net.
