

Copyright: SciDev.Net / Kamel Badawi


  • Multi-purpose, ‘smart’ umbrella designed to serve Hajj pilgrims
  • It uses solar cells to provide energy, a fan and a GPS that tracks the holder
  • Though more expensive than a normal umbrella, it could be used not just by pilgrims



[Cairo] Born in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Kamel Badawi has served Hajj pilgrims as a volunteer every season since he was a young boy. More recently, he turned his attention toinnovation,与巴勒斯坦人合作designerto create a ‘smart umbrella’ with solar cells — not only to protect pilgrims from the sun, but also to supply electricity from solar18beplay .

设计师的伞 - 名为“Kafya”,这意味着足够的方法 - 具有两层的隔热织物,在其上有16层可折叠,太阳能电池均匀地分布在10×20厘米的区域上。一个小型风扇安装在中间,朝圣者可以用来冷却。在雨伞的尽头谎言,对于麦卡大清真寺的庭院,任何希望阅读古兰经的任何人都是一个手电筒。

It also has multi-purpose USB outlets to charge mobiles and tablets, as well as a power bank.

Badawi解释说,最重要的特点是,伞通过特殊代码与其持有人的智能手机联系到全球定位系统(GPS)。这意味着可以准确地跟踪持有人的姓名,电话号码和个人照片,这可以帮助实现它们 - 特别是在紧急情况下有用,例如当一名老年人可能会在HAJJ期间会生病时。

“所有这些好处相结合an umbrella that weights 400 grams, which a person weighing 100 kg can use as a walking stick.”


This also helps pilgrims to keep close to their travelling companions and rejoin them easily, reducing the problem of pilgrims wandering away from their missions.

The application is also connected to a geo-reference system: it sends out a warning when a group member goes beyond the geographical range specified by Hajj authorities for the rites of pilgrimage in Mecca.


“所有这些好处相结合an umbrella that weights 400 grams, which a person weighing 100 kg can use as a walking stick,” he adds.

“The current available model of the umbrella is a prototype which was patented in June by the US Office of Patents and Trademarks, and pending another patent from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) patent office,” according to Manal Dandis, the co-designer of the umbrella.


Magdi Murad, a professor in the Department of Engineering Applications of Lasers at the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences at Cairo University, Egypt, tellsSciDev.Net:“伞的重量是完美的,考虑到它提供的服务,允许其他团体利用它 - 例如石油领域和矿工,以及在太阳下工作几小时的其他人。”

For Mohammed Aboud, manager of the ‘Hadath’ Company for innovation and entrepreneurship in Egypt, the umbrella's biggest challenge is that it is equipped with solar cells. “If its designers managed to provide high-quality cells, so as not to be affected with frequent folding and opening, and [if they can] lower the cost further, it will find its way into the markets easily.”


