

巴基斯坦Taluka Mirpur Sakro的N Khuttikun New Island的风力发电厂。版权:Flickr/亚洲开发银行


  • 巴基斯坦可以通过风能和太阳能满足86%的能源短缺
  • Industrial and agricultural production suffer from power deficiency
  • Investment needed in off-grid household and small-scale renewable power



[伊斯兰堡]巴基斯坦可以通过解锁风能和太阳能潜力来弥补其估计38.36 Terawatt-Hour电力短缺的86%学习.

The study comes as leading economists say Pakistan’s persisting18beplay 危机阻碍了该国减少贫困和见面的努力可持续发展目标.

Published last month (December 2018)Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,该研究使用基于天气的建模来估计风能和太阳能的95/5组合如何满足能源需求。


玛哈·雷曼(Maha Rehman)

研究人员以14平方公里的空间分辨率展示了“能源地图集”,估计该国发电的潜力为78.69 Terawatt-Terawatt-Terawatt-Terawatt-Hour,通过太阳能通过太阳能进行了2.79吉瓦。

Pakistan’s electrical-load demand is estimated to increase to around 63,000 megawatts by 2020 — more than double the current demand of 30,000 megawatts. Meanwhile, there is an immediate need to install around 39,177 megawatts to sustain socio-economic growth and employment, the study estimates.

Asad Ashfaq,讲师诺丁汉特伦特大学的土木工程部和研究的首席作者告诉SciDev.Net挖掘巴基斯坦的风能和太阳发电潜力可以促进该国的工业和beplay下载官网西西软件sectors — the mainstays of the country’s economy.

玛哈·雷曼(Maha Rehman),公众policy专家Centre for Economic Research Pakistan,解释说:“对工业和农业部门的后果,占出口总收入的70%以上,占国家GDP总数的39.77%,因为这些部门beplay下载官网西西软件通常无法满足出口订单和数千名工业单位该国已关闭,导致大规模失业”。

但是,很难挖掘这种风能和太阳能电位。根据许多因素,据穆罕默德·比拉尔·汗(Muhammad Bilal Khan)说,可再生能源科学家US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, Islamabad: “[the] security situation, internal political turmoil, bureaucratic bottlenecks, corruption, mismanagement of the energy sector, inadequate indigenous金融的resources and lack of foreign investment”.

Arif Allaudin, former head of thePakistan Alternative Energy Development Board,表明可以通过“动员土著私营部门,消除可再生能源的税收障碍,可以利用可再生能源技术imports, motivating the banking sector to invest in small and medium renewable energy projects and making investment hassle-free for foreign investors”.

He says the government could also incentivise off-grid household energy projects “to help attain sustainable socio-economic development goals through enhanced energy access”.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Asia & Pacific desk.