
Humanitarian spending plummets as UK, Saudis make cuts

Residents of the internally displaced people's camp near the town of Al-Dhale, Yemen. A new report indicates Yemen was the worst hit by the decline in international aid funding between 2019 and 2020. Copyright:彼得·比罗 /欧盟(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。This image has been cropped.

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“The poorest people are increasingly concentrated in countries where there are a whole range of intersecting vulnerabilities.”

Angus Urquhart, Development Initiatives

全球人道主义援助报告2021estimates that, in 2020, 243.8 million people in 75 countries were in need of humanitarian assistance — an increase of 19 million people and 10 more countries than in the previous year.

该报告的合着者安格斯·厄克特(Angus Urquhart)说:“有更多的援助,其中一些仅针对Covid-19的需求。这笔钱比以前的几年相比,这一笔钱已被进一步延伸和更宽。这是一个在大流行之前已经非常紧张的系统之上。”


在世界上五个最大的捐助者中,英国是唯一一个宣布减少人道主义援助的国家,将资金从30亿美元削减到21亿美元。其他四个顶级捐助者 - 美国(88亿美元),德国(37亿美元),荷兰(10亿美元)和瑞典(9亿美元) - 增加了人道主义支出。


Despite many other crises being compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, Development Initiatives found that billions of dollars in funding have been diverted from existing needs.



总的来说,也门是受灾最严重的下降international aid, seeing a 46 per cent decrease in funding between 2019 and 2020, according to the report. It says the country was previously the world’s largest recipient of humanitarian aid and more than 24.2 million people are still in crisis as a result of the ongoing conflict.

Urquhart believes that record levels of humanitarian need cannot be met with the current system which is beset by persistent underfunding and inefficiency. He says the COVID-19 pandemic has compounded these weaknesses and may result in countries entering a period of protracted crisis.

In 2020, 10 new countries faced humanitarian crises, according to the report, which warns that some of these countries will be ill-equipped to respond adequately.


Development Initiatives reports that 34 countries are currently experiencing protracted crisis. The cycle of crisis can be seen in the low average single-dose vaccination rate in these countries — 2.4 per cent, compared to an average of 12.5 per cent in other developing countries.



“The poorest people are increasingly concentrated in countries where there are a whole range of intersecting vulnerabilities,” said Urquhart. These populations have reduced resilience. So when a shock hits — whether it’s political, economic or environmental — their ability to cope with or respond to the impact is reduced.




Jenni Barclay is a professor of volcanology at the University of East Anglia in the UK who works on ways to mitigate volcanic risks. She said: “I’m unsurprised that there has been such a strong recorded impact from the choices made with the British development budget. This is something that we’re seeing across the UKRI-funded projects which have been so badly affected.

