

File source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Foothills_of_Himalayas,_Darjeeling_(8131394172).jpg

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  • 气溶胶颗粒直接或间接影响气候
  • The Himalayas are a vast aerosol factory
  • 气溶胶在温室效应中起主要作用

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根据这项研究,于12月7日出版大自然地球科学,up-valley winds bring vapours emitted by vegetation in the Himalayan foothills to higher altitudes. Along the way they turn into volatile compounds which rapidly form new aerosol particles that are transported into the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere where all weather occurs.


研究说,对全球行业建立行业之前的气溶胶颗粒的了解不足,导致了对气溶胶形成的人为贡献的实质性不确定性。为了解决这个问题的研究人员Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR),,,,University of Helsinki,,,,Finland, assessed new aerosol formation in pre-industrial-like conditions found at the Nepal Climate Observatory, Pyramid station, located 5,079 metres above sea level.

喜马拉雅地区将大量的天气颗粒推入有机或“生物”来源产生的大量气溶胶颗粒,但不是人为或“人为或“人为”)pollutants,,,,the researchers found. That makes aerosol production in the Himalayan region close to pre-industrial conditions where aerosols in the upper troposphere were mainly biogenic rather than anthropogenic.

“要了解气候,我们需要了解人类工业化之前和之后的所有大气组成部分,”费德里科·比安奇(Federico Bianchi)伊纳尔科学学院副教授告诉scidev.net

“To understand climate, we need to understand all the components of the atmosphere before and after human industrialisation”

费德里科·比安奇(Federico Bianchi),,,,Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki

Josef Dommen,瑞士的研究合着者保罗·施雷尔学院,补充说:“(如本研究中揭示的那样)的[]粒子形成和运输的来源现在可以包括在气候模型中,并改善了工业前时代的气候模拟,因此气候变化predictions.”

Plants give off large quantities of gases such as isoprene and terpene, which are oxidised in the atmosphere, producing small quantities of very sticky molecules that bind together and form tiny aerosol particles, Dommen says, adding that aerosol particles can grow larger by condensation of other products of oxidation, and eventually turn into cloud condensation nuclei (small particles on which water vapour condenses).

“这种颗粒通过增加大气的反射率来直接影响气候,或者通过改变云的特性间接影响气候,因为它们是云凝结核。” Dommen告诉scidev.net。

SDN Plus

该研究对于更好地了解喜马拉雅地区的大气过程很重要。Madan Sigdel的Nepal’sTribhuvan University。“如果气溶胶颗粒在对流层上部增加,它可能会降低变暖速率,并抑制辐射强迫(地球吸收的阳光与辐射回到空间之间的差异之间的差异),改变气候系统。More cloud condensation nuclei form clouds with smaller droplets which may suppress the formation of [cloud] precipitation.”

Aerosol particles can affect the climate in various ways — scatter and absorb solar radiation, act as cloud condensation nuclei, affect the melting of glaciers and the cooling of atmosphere and so on, explains Lekhendra Tripathee of西北生态环境与资源研究所beplay足球体育的微博,兰州,甘西。

