
‘Greenwashing’ fears hang over COP26 pledges

The action zone and globe at the Hydro, Glasgow
The action zone and globe at the Hydro, Glasgow Copyright:Karwai Tang/ UK Government,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


  • Draft texts already released
  • 透明度措施仍然缺失
  • World on track for at least 2.4 degrees Celsius warming - Climate Action Tracker




周三,作为气候峰会主席的英国发布draft texts这可能构成本周末最终“封面决定”或格拉斯哥协议的基础。

然而,关键问题 - 包括透明度措施和对国家损失成本和损害损失的承诺 - 尚未完成,会议可能会持续到周五晚上。



Advocates say trust in the誓言和公告由富裕国家在COP26上制造的很低。自2009年哥本哈根峰会以来,由于诺言未实现1000亿美元的气候融资承诺,发展中国家对适应和缓解资金的额外支持持谨慎态度。

Mohamed Adow, director of the Nairobi-based climate think-tank Power Shift Africa, said: “12 years down the line, we’re still looking for the money.

“Finance remains a sticking point … It’s not just because it’s needed for ambition, but it’s also so critical to rebuilding trust between the parties, so that they can work together to close the emission gap.”


It comes as global science, civil society and corporate brands call for a working definition of climate disinformation to include content that falsely claims to support climate goals, while contributing to global warming.

“The threat to COP26 and climate action is not abstract, we have seen misinformation derail conferences before,” an打开信封endorsed by more than 250 signatories says.


从Austra莎拉Hanson-Young,绿党参议员lian state of South Australia

澳大利亚南澳大利亚州的绿党参议员莎拉·汉森·杨(Sarah Hanson-Young)告诉SciDev.Net这种不信任是权力失衡的结果。她说:“我们看到,在澳大利亚的背景下,我们与太平洋国家和岛屿国家的关系最为重要。”


Australia is a major global coal supplier and the country’s per capita emissions rank世界第七高. Yet the government has shunned pledges to reduce emissions or fund mitigation.


Hanson-Young said that after meeting with Fiji’s prime minister, Frank Bainimarama, it was “quite clear that he is frustrated that the big, developed country of Australia is not taking the future safety, livelihoods and sustainability of his community seriously”.


COP26最重要的承诺将不在任何最终的格拉斯哥协议之外 - 例如多国宣告结束森林砍伐by 2030. Delegates have warned that pledges for climate finance may be diverted from Official Development Assistance budgets, despite claims that these promises are for “new” funding.



汉森·杨(Hanson-Young)说:“透明度措施现在正在罢工,我们不知道它会在本周末结束时在哪里结束。”“ [但是]对报告和诚实的责任措施是如此重要。”
