
‘Green infrastructure’ shift for sustainable cities

Jakarta, Indonesia. A UNEP-led project is aiming to support 23 cities to develop a range of strategies, such as green infrastructure, low-carbon transport systems and schemes to reduce or recycle waste. Copyright:Sanofi Pasteur / File: Anabelle-panorama,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


  • Urban development project aims to reduce cities’ ecological footprint
  • Initiative tackles multiple issues in tandem, from waste management to transport
  • 焦点国家包括巴西,印度,印度尼西亚和卢旺达


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Climate change,biodiversityloss andpollutionare just some of the issues facing the world’s rapidly growingcities随着城市人口的膨胀。


UrbanShift, led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), will support 23 cities to develop a range of strategies, such as green infrastructure, low-carbontransportsystems and schemes to reduce or recycle waste. The initiative is being run in partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), World Resources Institute (WRI), World Bank, Asian Development Bank, C40 Cities and others.


Aniruddha Dasgupta, president and CEO, World Resources Institute

该计划正在阿根廷,巴西,中国,哥斯达黎加,印度,印度尼西亚,摩洛哥,卢旺达和塞拉利昂(Sierra Leone)推出,希望它将在全球进行有关可持续城市的对话。

“The noise around what these cities are accomplishing can very much lead to other cities adopting it on their own – and that’s obviously what we want, shifting that global discourse and actions towards a more sustainable future,” said Inger Andersen, executive director at UNEP, speaking at an event to launch UrbanShift in late September.


Population explosion

据预测,全世界居住在全球城市地区的人数将从2018年的55%增加到到2050年的68%。UN figures,近90%的增长预测发生在亚洲和非洲。

Speaking at the launch event, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, chief executive and chair of the GEF, said rapid rural to urban migration in recent years meant environmental policies had often not been geared towards sustainability in cities. “In just a matter of a decade and a half, many of the countries in the global South have gone from these rural-based economies into an urban life,” he said.

WRI总裁兼首席执行官Aniruddha Dasgupta说,作为城市领导人现在,有必要同时解决多个问题,例如,在大流行之后创造就业机会,同时也保护了自然和脱碳的做法。

Donations appeal




Speaking toSciDev.Net,巴西巴西利亚大学的国际城市规划顾问兼研究员TobiasKühner说,Urbanshift承认有必要解决城市面临的挑战。但是,他质疑它似乎与以前的举措是否有足够的影响,以产生更大的影响。


总部位于印度促进地区资源中心协会的创始人兼主任Sheela Patel提出了对Urbanshift中提到非正式定居点的担忧brochure作为仅一个国家(卢旺达)的特定重点领域,并且常常不在投资的焦点之外。她补充说:“所有这些组织都支持改编和弹性建设,但社会正义视角并不是这一过程的关键核心要素。”


里约热内卢大学的可持续金融和投资教授兼研究员卢安·桑托斯(Luan Santos)认为,该项目可能有助于刺激对话和资源来应对环境影响。beplay足球体育的微博他说:“巴beplay足球体育的微博西的环境和气候议程尚未在现任政府中优先考虑,这就是为什么融资问题变得更加批评的原因。”


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