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  • 研究人员估计持有在非洲采用通用农作物中的影响
  • 分析表明,延误可能会损失生命并错过经济利益
  • GM crops remain controversial, with opponents backing other options

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Many African governments are grappling with opponents and proponents of GM crops. This means their adoption is delayed, especially when opponents use the strategy of “announcing uncertainty” shortly before decisions are taken about them, according to the study published inPLOS One日记上个月(7月27日)。


Justus Wesseler

荷兰瓦格宁根大学的研究和农业经济学教授Justus Wesseler告诉ScidevNet基因作物的调节延迟对非洲国家的粮食生产产生负面影响,这间接地转化为高度health费用。

Adopting GM crops such as banana and maize could help save lives in some Sub-Saharan African countries, according to the study.

“The costs of a delay in approval of Bt [genetically modified] maize for Kenya, black sigatoka-resistant banana for Uganda, and corn borer-resistant cowpeas for Benin, Niger and Nigeria not only include the foregone benefits for producers and consumers in economic terms but also the indirect health costs in the form of营养可以将其转化为可以挽救的生命的预防。” Wesseler解释说。


For example, according to the study, a year’s delay in approving the use of pod borer- resistant cowpea in Nigeria could cost the country US$33-46 million, and between 100 and 3,000 lives.

“The calculations considered that adoption of thetechnologywill take time and that not all farmers will adopt the new crops,” explains Wesseler. “The change in malnourishment has been calculated by using the percentage in yield increase and assuming a similar increase in percentage of consumption amongchildrenin rural areas.”

He says that when adopted by governments, crops engineered to be resistant to pests and diseases could improve local varieties.


Daniel Otaye, a senior lecturer and chairman of the Biological Sciences Department at Egerton University, Kenya, says adoption of genetically engineered crops could eradicate perennial food shortages in most African countries, thus lowering the cost of living. “These are good concerns that will help eliminate poverty if adopted,” he adds.

奥塔耶(Otaye)指出的需要“对通用农作物和非洲的重要性提高认识policy makers必须灵活地采用它们。”


According to Peter Mokaya, managing director of the Kenya-based Organic Consumers Alliance, Africa does not need GM crops as they are causing soil deterioration and by extension nutritional deficiencies.

There is more than enough food to feed over 10 billion inhabitants of this world, says Mokaya, using other ways that are in line with thesustainable development goals

“决策者需要什么是正确的信息that GMOs are not necessary to feed Africans,” he says.
