

fish harvesting in Bangladesh
从孟加拉国的孵化场收获鱼。一项新研究说,对水产养殖的有限调节危害环境并培养害虫和疾病。beplay足球体育的微博版权:Finn Thilsted/WorldFish,,,,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。This image has been cropped.

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  • Aquaculture holds out promise for tackling global hunger
  • But pathogens, pests and parasites are a ‘chronic risk’ for the sector
  • Tighter regulations needed to ensure sustainability, say researchers

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While aquaculture has become a key part of global food systems, its unregulated growth endangers the environment and breeds pests and diseases, says a study.

罗莎蒙德·内洛(Rosamond Naylor),教授Stanford University地球学校,活力和环境科beplay足球体育的微博学和该研究的作者于3月24日发表自然,says that as the demand for seafood grows around the world so will aquaculture.

“如果我们不正确,我们会冒着在陆基农作物和beplay足球体育的微博家畜systems: nutrient污染,过度使用抗生素和栖息地的变化biodiversity,” Naylor告诉scidev.net

“如果我们不正确,我们会冒着在陆基农作物和beplay足球体育的微博家畜systems: nutrient pollution, excessive use of antibiotics and habitat change that threatens biodiversity,”

斯坦福大学地球系统科学教授Rosamond Naylor

In a study on aquaculture published in自然in 2000, Naylor saw aquaculture as a solution to the global decline in wildfisheriesbut one that led to marine habitat change, spread of pathogens and the introduction of invasive species.

Since then, say Naylor and her co-authors, significant progress has been made towards sustainable practices in the industry, including a decline in destructive habitat conversion, particularly by shrimp farming in mangroves.

此外,病原体,寄生虫和害虫‘chronic risk’ to aquaculture, amplified by increased trade and supply chain integration since 2000, the paper states.

Naylor is concerned that antibiotics are being increasingly used as first line defence against fish diseases, adding to the global rise in antimicrobial resistance. “The industry is all over the map in this area and big improvements need to occur,” she says.

Additionally, there is emerging evidence thatclimate changeNaylor说,威胁要加剧这些问题。

Reducing reliance on wild fish such as anchovies and sardines for feeds is critical to improvingsustainability,她指出。“这一领域取得了巨大进展,无论是在繁殖食道鱼以能够吃更多的植物性蛋白质,以及引入替代植物性植物性和其他非野生饲料的替代植物饲料而言。”

Ronald Hardy,,,,study co-author and director of the Aquaculture Research Institute,University of Idaho,美国,强调水产养殖是一种相对较新的动物形式农业,,,,involving more than 400 species of animals and plants.

“Fish and crustacea are farmed in ponds, pens in reservoirs or lakes, pens in the sea, spring-fed raceways and, more recently, in recirculating aquaculture systems located on land and totally enclosed,” says Hardy. “What these diverse production systems have in common is that they affect the aquaticbeplay足球体育的微博[…]通过废物生产,它们都需要饲料输入。”

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In Asia, marine resources are at risk if small, pelagic fish are overharvested to produce feeds for aquaculture, says Hardy. The move towards ‘vegetarian’ fish farming means protein concentrates in fish feed come from grains such as wheat and corn, or soybeans, rapeseed, or sunflower, he says.



大卫·利特尔,研究合着者和教授斯特林大学Institute for Aquaculture, UK, says: “Most aquaculture is about fish people can afford to eat — and most of the farming of aquatic animals happening in Asian countries stays in those countries. It’s having an important impact on food security and rural livelihoods.”

Other regions, including Africa, are introducing freshwater farms but with little oversight, the study finds.

Michael Rust,科学顾问NOAAfisheries office of aquaculture in Maryland, US, says: “As the authors demonstrate, if done responsibly, aquaculture supports a healthy economy, a healthy planet, and healthy people.”
