

一个女人检查了血压。研究表明,全世界有超过十亿人患有未发现和未经治疗的高血压。版权:World Granny,(CC BY-NC 2.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • 1.28 billion people are affected by hypertension worldwide, report says
  • Half of these are unaware they have the condition
  • Condition is most prevalent in low- and middle-income countries




In what researchers describe as a “massive public health failure”, nearly half of the 1.28 billion people affected by hypertension don’t know they have the condition—which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

高血压,也称为高血压,是心脏,大脑和肾脏的主要危险因素diseasesamong others, with more than 80 per cent of cases now found in low- and middle-income countries, according to the analysis by Imperial College London and the WHO published in柳叶刀

It can be easily detected by measuring blood pressure at home or in a健康设施,并通过低成本进行有效治疗药物。Yet more than half of people with hypertension (720 million) are not receiving treatment, the study said.


伦敦帝国学院全球环境健康教授Majid Ezzati研究的主要作者说,未能检测到这种状况的原因是卫生系统和服务方面存在beplay足球体育的微博较大差距的结果。

“Health系统factors include lack of universal health insurance and lack of facilities or personnel, which both limit access to care,” Ezzati toldSciDev




这项研究涵盖了1990年至2019年期间,分析了184个国家 /地区30-79岁的1亿人的血压和治疗数据。


2019年, more than one billion people with hypertension—representing 82 per cent of all people with hypertension worldwide—lived in low-and middle-income countries, the study found.

Due to gaps in diagnosis and treatment, about 580 million people with hypertension were unaware of their condition because they had not been diagnosed.


Those living in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central, South and South-East Asia and Pacific Island nations were least likely to receive medication—with treatment rates of between 20 and 25 per cent for men and women respectively.

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Joachim Osur, technical director for Amref Health Africa and vice chancellor at Amref International University in Nairobi, is not surprised by the figures.

“Hypertension has always been there, only that the risk factors, especially, in the low- to middle-income countries have changed significantly, driving up the numbers,” said Osur.

He says sedentary lifestyles and diet changes, with people eating more processed foods, have led to conditions such as obesity, predisposing people to hypertension.

“The tragedy with hypertension is that it causes no pain and, when it does, then it’s probably too late because maybe it will have caused damage to your heart, kidney or brain,” he added.


WHO的心血管疾病专家Taskeen Khan说,有一种错误的看法,即高血压和传染病主要影响富人。



塔斯基·汗(Taskeen Khan),心血管疾病专家

The only difference, she says, is that some high-income countries fare better in their response to hypertension because they are able to enforce policies that promote health eating and physical activity.


“Probably the most encouraging finding from this study was that there are middle-income countries which have been successful in managing hypertension in recent years,” Khan said.

“This shows that progress in this area is not only a function of a country’s income level.”
