

台湾东北海岸的日本amberjack学校。一份新报告警告说,海洋变暖和酸化正在影响鱼类的行为。版权:Vincent C. Chen(SA 4.0的CC)。该图像已裁剪。


  • 变暖,海洋酸化,改变鱼类的浅滩行为
  • 浅滩行为关键是鱼类生存和海鲜用品的关键
  • 鱼类向两极移动,温带生态系统变化


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根据1970年代以来,全世界的海洋生态系统在海水温度升高后显示出温水物种的优势越来越高,鱼类捕获物的物种组成的平行变化。报告Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


“Fish show gregarious behaviour and cluster in shoals which helps them to acquire food and protects them against predators,” says Ivan Nagelkerken, professor at the阿德莱德大学的环境beplay足球体育的微博研究所和南方海洋生态实验室,以及学习on the effect, published in全球变化生物学



伊万·纳格尔肯(Ivan Nagelken),阿德莱德大学


“物种正在扩大其范围,因为海洋由于海洋的变暖climate change” Nagelkerken说。“这个过程被称为温带生态系统的热带化,意味着热带物种正在与温带物种混合并创造新的生态相互作用。”


Nagelkerken说,关键的是,物种abundances are changing due to species range extensions. “Tropical species will become more abundant in temperate ecosystems, some temperate species less abundant. This changes the type of fisheries, and other species that are present at certain locations, and, therefore, potentially also their catches.”


“Altered schooling behaviour by fishes due to climate change and novel species’ interactions can affect their survival and growth rates, and hence can alter their population sizes and, therefore, potentially also their catches.”

纳格尔肯(Nagelkerken)说,诸如埃尔·尼诺(El Nino)和拉尼娜(La Nina)等自然气候振荡也可能产生影响。“例如,取决于振荡的位置和特定效果,例如冷却与变暖,它们可以在短期内放慢或加剧物种范围的扩展,尽管从长期来看,气候变化的影响预计会更强。”

斯科特·达尼(Scott Doney),,,,a professor at the environmental change department of the弗吉尼亚大学,夏洛茨维尔,告诉scidev.net,,,,that climate change and ocean acidification from human emissions of carbon dioxide not only cause tropical fish to expand their habitat ranges into temperate regions but “fish physiology and metabolism may be altered by the simultaneous effects of seawater warming and chemical changes associated with acidification.”

“This systematic lab study of multiple environmental factors is an important step forward in understanding possible climate change impacts on the ocean,” says Doney.


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