

肯尼亚的生物消化器 - 主要
Farmer family outside Nairobi, Kenya, with their new biogas system. The bag digester was delivered by local biogas company Pioneer. Copyright: Sören Säf /SuSanA Secretariat(裁剪照片,CC BY 2.0


  • 向农村地区提供可再生能源构成后勤挑战
  • Many businesses also rely on subsidies to make them viable
  • 专家说,政府政策对于支持可再生能源至关重要。


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本文是支持的经过The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center

哈比巴·阿里(Habiba Ali)至少需要三个小时的车程才能吸引她的客户 - 什么活力专家将称为“最后一英里”。当她从尼日利亚西北部Kaduna的基地出发时,通常不知道在哪里可以找到最需要太阳能的地方和人。

但是尽管来回不断,阿里很明显这是她的生意,SOSAI可再生能源, 需要是。

她说,大多数可再生能源的努力技术development, but forget that crucial last step: how to reach people who need it. “We’re more interested in what the customer wanted, and how that satisfied the need that they wanted to meet,” she adds.



阿里的工作并没有引起注意。下个月,她将加入华盛顿特区的其他女领导人接受an award from the Vital Voices Global Partnership由美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)创立。

她的业务也得到了尼日利亚离网市场加速计划的支持(NoMAP), supported by the Shell Foundation and USAID. This will help expand Sosai into the rural off-grid market by getting around logistical hurdles such as collecting fees. “They’re also helping us to find communities easily”, says Ali, “so that when you set out of your office…you go with a plan”.

Reaching that ‘last mile’ is notoriously difficult, and one reason why roll-out of renewable energy in developing countries has been slow.

全球的ly, the energy transition is an uphill struggle: fossil fuel systems are entrenched, with政府缓慢地提出激励措施和关税,使可再生能源可行。


While delivering this “sobering reality check” the UN called on the global community to learn from “the few bright spots where gains have been made”, saying that proven technologies and business models do exist.


印度被强调为那些“亮点”之一。其对可再生电力的年度私人投资在2015 - 16年度增至100亿美元,在两年内增长了六倍。据政府称,现在每个村庄都有电力,世界银行的数据在2016年将访问权限占人口的85%。

Harish Hande, seen as a pioneer in providing renewable energy in rural India through the Bangalore-based social enterprise SELCO (Solar Electric Light Company), says such statistics miss the point.


Some 130 million people across the country still lack electricity. For Hande, the key is to focus on helping poorer people make a living when rolling out renewable energy systems.

SELCO focuses onmaking solar technology affordable, and Hande takes an unconventional line on staffing: doing away with resumes, he hired local technicians committed to finding solutions for people in rural areas.




Ali’s business offered a clean alternative. First, single-point solar lanterns, then systems connected through a battery pack and a long wire, carrying two lamps or more.






The cost of buying kerosene or batteries adds up over time, ending up more expensive than a solar system that lasts for six or seven years. But buying solar means paying a lump sum up front. Sosai lowers the barrier by offering payment by instalments or pay-as-you-go financing.

In its latest穷人的能源前景报告, which looked at six programmes attempting to scale up renewable energy without excluding poor people, the NGO Practical Action found that every case had to begin – and sometimes continue – with subsidy. “The market alone will not reach areas and communities considered unprofitable,” it says.

通常需要大量的融资来源才能使计划工作。在印度尼西亚,联合国报告称成功故事的沼气烹饪的推动开始了双边协议与荷兰非政府组织Hivos和SNV一起使用。根据荷兰政府的大部分首都。印度尼西亚的国内沼气计划or比鲁, which now manages the programme.

由于该系统的成本至少为400美元,因此它取决于政府补贴和碳交易的成功,但Moies承认:“我们非常沮丧 - 非常小”,理由是一项可行性研究,其容量为100万用户。

在尼日利亚,阿里还利用了碳交易,使其成为Sosai通过清洁开发机制(CDM)的融资组合的一部分。项目。But funding from global programmes still seems out of reach.








Moeis认为是时候进行另一次转换了。乳制品农民adopt biogas easily, she says. They like it because the digester uses up cow dung to produce organic fertiliser as well as energy.

根据Hande的说法,这些好处显然超出了全球气候目标,可再生能源政策缺少对发展的关注。“我们需要看sustainability整体的,”他说。“我们必须看看energy-health nexus, [the] energy-livelihood nexus. And that's when you merge theclimate goalswith theSDGs。”


本文是支持的经过The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center。For nearly 60 years the Bellagio Center has supported individuals working to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people globally through its conference and residency programs, and has served as a catalyst for transformative ideas, initiatives, and collaborations.