

3 testitubes Main
A scientist examining three test tubes in a research laboratory for HIV/AIDS - one of the ‘Big Three’ infectious diseases including tuberculosis and malaria. Together, these three diseases are estimated to have killed 2.8 million people in 2020 according to the World Health Organization. Copyright:约翰·克劳福德 / NIH(CC BY-NC 2.0)

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  • mRNA vaccines offer hope for malaria, TB, HIV after COVID-19 breakthrough
  • 该领域正在迅速发展,引起了科学家的极大兴趣
  • Clinical trial are underway for ‘Big Three’ vaccines

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mRNA vaccine technology is a field full of promise – as well as unanswered questions – for communities living with the burden of the world’s most deadly infectiousdiseases

Despite appearances, mRNA technology is not new. But ever since mRNA vaccines burst onto the global scene to take onCOVID-19, a wealth of possibilities has opened up asresearchteams explore ways to harness mRNA technology to tackle other global健康的担忧。

The ‘Big Three’ infectious diseases

Tuberculosis,疟疾18beplay官网 被称为“三巨头”传染病:它们是世界上最致命的传染病。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,他们在2020年共同杀死了280万人。最初的数据表明,2020年有180万Covid-19死亡,尽管世卫组织估计数字可能是“at least” 3 million


总共1.5 million people died from TB在2020年。在全球范围内,这是仅次于Covid-19的第二个领先的传染性杀手。估计有1000万人在2020年因结核病患病 - 560万男性,330万名女性和110万儿童。只有八个国家占结核病总数的三分之二:印度的负担最高,其次是中国,印度尼西亚,菲律宾,巴基斯坦,尼日利亚,尼日利亚,孟加拉国和南非。

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Around 627,000 people died of malaria in 2020, with an estimated241 million casesreported worldwide. Africa carries the majority of the world’s malaria burden – 95 per cent of malaria cases and 96 per cent of malaria deaths. About 80 per cent of malaria infections in this region were in children under five.

Meanwhile, in 2020,680,000 people died来自与HIV相关的原因。2020年有150万例新的艾滋病毒病例,而全球估计有3770万人患有艾滋病毒。大多数患有该病毒的人(2540万)在非洲。


History of messenger ribonucleic acids

mRNA technology has been in developmentsince the 1960s, but it was proven responsive when SARS-CoV-2 hit the world. Its success in combatting COVID-19 has resulted in renewed interest in developing the technology for other diseases.

在一个nutshell, mRNAs are messenger ribonucleic acids that elicit an immune response from cells before degrading. They work byintroducing a sequencethat is coded for a disease-specific antigen – a substance that causes the body to make antibodies against it; once this antigen is produced within the body, the immune system can recognise it and get ready to fight the real virus, bacteria or parasite.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, exploration into mRNA vaccines for a range of diseases had begun, including埃博拉病毒,寨卡和狂犬病,以及癌症和流感。

但是在过去的几年中,该领域发展迅速。在一个2018 review总部位于美国的科学家说,mRNA疫苗代表了传统疫苗方法的一种有希望的替代方法,因为它们的效力很高,快速发展的能力以及低成本制造和安全给药的潜力。

“The mRNA vaccine field is developing extremely rapidly; a large body of preclinical数据在过去的几年中,已经积累了,并且已经开始了多项人类临床试验。”科学家说。“数据表明,mRNA疫苗有可能解决传染病和癌症疫苗发育中许多挑战。”

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来源:MDPI(在下面Creative Commons – licence).

Why is mRNA technology so exciting?

Interest in mRNA technology has exploded since it entered the mainstream during the COVID-19 pandemic. The full text of one 2020mRNA技术的评论从上海和北京的研究人员开始观看了大约35,000次,并具有40多次引用,从而使其在科学文献领域具有很高的影响因素。

mRNA vaccines appear promising because of the speed with which they can be developed and produced, and their flexibility and adaptability to variants. The US pharmaceutical company Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 began clinical trials63 days after the publication of the virus’ genome。By comparison, the Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) – which uses recombinant DNA technology – took 15 years to be approved for use, in 2006.


With advances in the synthetic production of mRNAs, the technology became more attractive. Other forms of safe and effective vaccines carry a weakened virus or a part of the virus, and growing the volume of pathogens required to produce immunisations on a large scale, and then weakening the virus, takes time.

随着流行备忘创新联盟(CEPI)为世界设定了产生的任务vaccines within 100 daysof identifying a new germ, research and development groups – including a team at the University of Oxford that has produced a pre-print100-day vaccine blueprint- 说他们应对挑战。

The future of mRNA vaccine technology

In the first months of 2022 there was a flurry of activity surrounding mRNA technology transfer and development, with the WHO announcing additional locations for itsmRNA疫苗技术转移枢纽, and German biotechnology company BioNTech designating sites for new production facilities in Africa.


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And clinical trials have already begun, or are expected to begin this year, for mRNA vaccine candidates for HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis.

但是科学家们谨慎地对自己的乐观态度缓和,因为到达临床试验阶段并不能保证候选疫苗的候选者将被证明是安全有效的。全球健康倡导者说资金用于疫苗研发,并持续关注technologytransfer and knowledge strengthening in the global South, must continue apace.

South Africa tech hub


The recipes for COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been tightly held by pharmaceutical companies, who refuse to share patents with developing countries. To combat “疫苗ho积” and global health inequality, the WHO and a consortium of research organisations and theMedicines Patent Poolbanded together in 2021 to unlock the structure of the mRNA vaccines, establishing the first mRNA research centre and transfer hub in South Africa, with ‘spokes’ in Brazil and Argentina.

2月,谁宣布撒哈拉以南非洲和北非的其他六个国家would receive technology to enable them to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as part of the initiative.

The WHO said that mRNA technology could also be used for insulin to treat diabetes, cancer medicines and, potentially, vaccines for the Big Three deadly infectious diseases. Ultimately, said the WHO, the mRNA tech transfer hubs will promote access to vaccines for everyone, strengthen health security and promote self-reliance for the future.

Kate Stegeman, Africa region advocacy coordinator for the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Access Campaign, said that diversifying mRNA vaccine manufacturing capacity to low- and middle-income countries should be aglobal health priority。She said: “More regions producing mRNA vaccines as essential preparedness against infectious diseases could bolster the response not only to COVID-19 and future infectious diseases, but also potentially to existing ones such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV.”

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Global desk as part of the Spotlight series ‘The new frontier’.