

现年38岁的贝蒂·纳比特科(Betty Nabiteeko)在乌干达Mityebili附近的家中向母亲们教母亲有关营养的知识。
贝蒂·纳比特科(Betty Nabiteeko)在乌干达中部的家中教母亲有小孩的营养知识。版权:Stephan Gladieu / World Bank,,,,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • 缺乏食物,肥胖和微量营养素不足会造成营养不良的三重负担
  • People need affordable diets that include vital minerals and vitamins for growth
  • 学校餐为解决“隐藏饥饿”的关键途径


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The battle to wipe out malnutrition requires healthy diets that also tackle micronutrient deficiencies, alongside the growing burdens of undernutrition and obesity.

学校用餐and community education could help address a growing burden of ‘hidden hunger’ — a shortage of the vital minerals and vitamins critical to proper growth and development.

营养专家已经超越了越来越普遍的营养迹象 - 体重不足或肥胖 - 现在是指营养不良的三重负担。隐藏的饥饿感或微量营养素缺乏症已成为全球日益增长的问题的第三个支柱,但对于低收入和中等收入国家来说是一个特别的挑战。

It is anticipated that around 660 million people may still face hunger in 2030, in part due to the lasting effects of the pandemic on global food security. Climate extremes and economic disruptions are other major drivers, says this year’s世界粮食安全和营养状况,联合国多机构报告。

更多的than half the world’s undernourished people are found in Asia (418 million) and more than one-third in Africa (282 million), according to the report.


Most children with malnutrition globally also live in Africa and Asia, says the report. These regions account for more than nine in ten children with stunting – being too short for their age – and with wasting – being too light for their height, and more than seven in ten who are overweight.

在大流行之前,联合国儿童基金会世界子女的状态report for 2019 warned of the rising triple burden of malnutrition. Children and women in their reproductive years are most at risk of micronutrient deficiency, said UNICEF.


Mercy Lung’aho, a research scientist for the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, toldscidev.net:“我见过社区,母亲超重并且患有贫血,而孩子们发育不良并患有贫血,有时在同一家庭中。”


总部位于英国的东英吉利大学性别与发展教授Nitya Rao表示,Covid-19的中断暴露于没有社会保护机制的国家中的不平等现象,并强调说,全球粮食安全系统在系统冲击和危机中没有准备好。



According to Rao, one of these is that India’s food systems struggle to supply perishable foods — the fruits and vegetables that contain vital nutrients.


Yet on the other hand, a saving grace was that the country’s first lockdown, imposed in March 2020, coincided with the peak of the harvest season for winter crops such as wheat, barley, peas and mustard, according to the country’s Crop Situationreport



在世界范围内,大约四分之一的联合国的婴儿der five are stunted, while obesity is also increasing, according to UNICEF’s全球的营养2020年的报告。

在坦桑尼亚,那里五分之一以下的三分之一remains stunted, communities face cultural barriers to good nutrition, even when there is plenty of food, says Elizabeth Ndaba, a nutritionist at the country’s Ministry of Health.

有些女人因为信念that their breasts will sag or because of witchcraft, denying the babies important nutrients for early growth and development.

同时,非洲范围的研究发现父母养活的孩子六米onths with highly processed junk foods, instead of foods rich in micronutrients, including fruits, vegetables and eggs.





坦桑尼亚正在与国际非政府组织合作to increase公众关于良好营养实践的知识,例如促进学校和整个卫生诊所的水果和蔬菜消费。





Vitamin A deficiencycan cause visual impairment, according to the WHO, and may increase the risk of illness and death from childhood infections, including measles and those causing diarrhoea.


Lung’aho agrees that balanced and多样化的饮食是满足营养需求的最佳方法。隆加霍人说:“我们需要滋养社区,尊重农业的生计并增强行星健康的[食品]系统。”beplay下载官网西西软件


营养specialists frequently point to the value that school meals offer in the battle against malnutrition. Expanding school meal programmes and scaling up nutrition in workplaces could go a long way towards addressing the triple burden of malnutrition, they say.

During the pandemic, school closures led to more than 370 million children around the world missing out on school meals, said a World Food Programme (WFP) and UNICEFreport一月份发行。


Importantly, school meals also offer a way to spread knowledge on nutrition to children, their families and wider communities. Recognising the value of school meals, a range of countries implemented alternative programmes to keep children well-fed in the early days of the pandemic, says a WFPreport

South Africa and Japan embarked on take-home rations for the children. And despite being highly criticised for its handling of the pandemic, Brazil adapted measures through its National School Feeding Programme to keep its 40 million schoolchildren eating healthy meals, relying on food baskets designed by nutritionists.

Amid foreign aid cuts and wider economic hurdles, sustainable funding for school meals remains a challenge for many governments, scientists say. Lina Mahy, a technical officer in the WHO’s nutrition and food safety department, says governments should invest in school food programmes to provide healthy diets to children.

She says that international support is available when governments show their commitment to investing in children’s nutrition. “It’s always important for donors to see that the country is willing to invest in themselves and have a well-thought-out plan,” Mahy says.

“Compared with investment in other sectors, investing in school meals might be a tiny fraction of what’s being invested in other government priorities.”