

一名流离失所的南苏丹妇女在乌干达的一个难民营中烹饪食物。旨在应对粮食不安全感的联合国峰会已成为争议的现场。版权:Echo/ Bertha Wangari,,,,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。This image has been cropped.

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  • 联合国峰会旨在解决Covid-19之后的粮食不安全感
  • 但是一群人说“自上而下”的峰会忽略了生态农业方法
  • 科学家,公民团体抵制峰会,举行其他演讲

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旨在解决的联合国峰会food insecurity已经成为争议和分歧的现场,一群科学家参加了一场平行事件以抗议。

这United Nations食品系统峰会将从今天(星期一)开始三天的“预选”讨论,主要会谈于9月后期开始。


它遵循一个多机构联合国报告earlier this month, which found that millions more people from the world’s most vulnerable communities have been pushed towards acute food insecurity as a result of COVID-19, existing conflicts and climate change.

这summit will involve UN agencies, governments and non-government organisations, while the advisory committee includes members of major food security and nutrition organisations.

However, over 300 global civil society organisations of small-scale food producers, researchers and indigenous communities will boycott the three-day event, instead holdinga tandem, alternative pre-summit昨天(星期日)开始。

这y say the UN event has been “deeply compromised by a top-down exclusion of many food systems actors and an impoverished view of whose food system knowledge matters”.


科学小组根据联合国的说法,由德国经济学家约阿希姆·冯·布劳恩(Joachim von Braun)主持,以确保“支撑峰会及其成果的科学的稳健性,广度和独立性”。

但是briefing noteon the governance of food systems, the well-respected independent International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) said the group was “imbalanced in its composition and biased in its perspectives and sources of knowledge” and said the selection process for members was unclear.



Nine members of the UN summit scientific group have backgrounds in economics, which IPES-Food says indicates a lack of scientific diversity.

‘Arbiter of science’

scidev.net要求多少近30 mem的细节bers of the group were indigenous, from a youth or producer organisation, civil society or the private sector. Yet in a 1,200-word emailed statement toscidev.net,,,,summit deputy to the Special Envoy Martin Frick did not supply this information, instead saying that members were drawn from universities, publicly funded research institutes, multilateral bodies and regulators.



Summit Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata, president of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, has said the summit is seeking systemic transformation of food systems. Science has been flagged as a key pillar of this food system transformation.




在一个series of recommendations对于峰会组织者来说,联合国食品权特别报告员迈克尔·法克里(Michael Fakhri)认为,峰会以“可持续的强化农业”观点为主,以更加生态的观点为代价。beplay下载官网西西软件


一个请愿,,,,signed by more than 150 scientists who support the approach of agroecology, where ecological concepts are combined with farming techniques, calls on researchers to boycott the summit.

“As scientists who work in agriculture and food, we call on our colleagues and collaborators to take a moment to ask: whose knowledge matters in shaping global food policy?” the petition text says.

However, Frick disputes this, saying: “The scientific group does not only consider scientific work but also brings in traditional and indigenous knowledge.”



这scientists’ petition argues the outcomes of the summit have been “largely predetermined” by powerful agribusiness advocates, and say it overlooks the science and contributions of both agroecology and the existingCivil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanism- 向联合国世界粮食安全委员会提供建议的参与组织。

公民社会和土著人民机制联络小组协调平行峰会的成员诺拉·麦基恩(Nora McKeon)告诉scidev.net:“我们不仅在抗议粮食系统峰会,实际上,我们正在抗议公司捕获食品系统和粮食治理。

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“No business, large or small, nor the World Economic Forum has a leadership or decision-making role in the summit,” he said.

“Inclusivity is at the heart of the summit, and its preparations have been structured in a highly decentralised way to ensure everyone around the world can participate.”
