

古吉拉特邦首席部长纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)
版权:flickr/al al Jazeera English


  • Unlike China, India has so far refused to set a target to cap carbon emissions
  • 四分之一的印第安人缺乏电力和能源需求的机会正在飙升
  • But India will cooperate with the US on nuclear energy and intellectual property


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[NEW DELHI] Flying out of New Delhi after a high-voltage, three-day state visit last week, US President Barack Obama had the satisfaction of carrying home various agreements on cooperation with India, including on活力,,,,climate changeand知识产权权利。

在访问期间,涉及核责任,清洁能源等问题,涵盖了许多基础合作印度能源与资源研究所的杰出研究员兼首相气候变化委员会成员,在巴黎举行的下一次联合国气候会谈。Ghosh描述了在发生核电站事故的情况下限制美国供应商责任的理解 - 该事故已使印度与美国之间就停滞的平民核合作达成了六年的同意 - “非常重要”。


总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)将核能协议视为与美国的新合作的“核心”,并可以提供清洁能源。似乎取得的诀窍是美国一方备份到一个主要的粘性点:以前,它坚持要对印度提供给印度提供的核材料的水平,而不是国际原子能局所要求的。

“谁担心子孙后代有责任意识到气候变化,并采用实践和政策,以确保美好的生活和良好environment for future generations”

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India


On climate change, Modi refused to be swayed by theUS-China dealannounced in November to reduce China’s greenhouse gas outputs. Under the deal, China, the world’s biggest emitter of these gases, agreed to cap its emissions by 2030, while the US, the second largest emitter, pledged to cut emissions by 26—28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2025.

莫迪说,印度是一个主权国家,“任何国家或任何人都没有对其产生任何影响”。但是他很快补充说,他认识到气候变化和全球变暖的压力。“谁担心子孙后代有责任意识到气候变化,并采用实践和政策,以确保美好的生活和良好beplay足球体育的微博for future generations,” he said.

India’s special circumstances

If India, the world’s third largest emitter, dithers on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, it is because of its special circumstances. For a start, US-China trade stands at US$500 billion a year — five times the value of India’s trade with the US. India trails far behind China in terms of historical and current per capita emissions.

According to US think-tank, the World Resources Institute, one in four Indianslacks access to electricity。和世界能源前景2014表示,印度的能源需求将在未来十年内超过中国。[2]印度还需要几十年的排放空间,再加上发达国家的支持来建立绿色工业能力。这是美国现在正在介入的地方,承诺投资印度的雄心勃勃的计划,将其太阳能容量提高到2022年,将其提高到100吉瓦,这将是该国预计的能源组合的10%。


Barack Obama, President, United States of America

The joint statement stressed cooperation on adaptation measures, research and development, technology innovation and the adoption of clean energy solutions that will help India transition to a climate resilient and low-carbon economy.


This year, the US and India will also closely cooperate to deliver a successful agreement in Paris on climate action. As India continued to shy away from making firm commitments on reducing emissions, Obama canvassed India’s support for a credible Paris agreement. “No country,” he told Modi, “is going to be more important in moving forward a strong agreement than India.”




Perhaps the icing on the cake of Obama’s visit was a pledge by Modi that India would accept suggestions made by a joint working group on intellectual property rights. That was in response to a complaint by Obama that US corporations found it difficult to do business with India because of inadequate patent protection.

联合声明说:“两国都重申了他们对共享知识产权问题的信息和最佳实践的兴趣,并重申了他们对利益相关者就咨询的承诺政策关于知识产权保护的问题”,两位领导人“同意加强双边合作healthsector, including distribution barriers and patent quality”.

这将如何工作还有待观察。印度一直指出,其国内知识产权法完全符合世界贸易组织管理的旅行(知识产权的与贸易相关的方面)协议。有影响力的律师集体总监阿南德·格罗弗(Anand Grover)表示,改变当前的制度将损害印度的仿制药行业,该工业为世界提供了廉价的基本药物。

Clearly, the Modi government will need to find creative ways to circumvent existing law to accommodate the promises made on intellectual property and nuclear liability or take these issues back to parliament.

Ranjit Devraj是Scidev.net的南亚地区协调员。