
COP 23 hopes to move Paris Accord forward

弗兰克·贝尼马拉马, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji and COP 23 President Designate Copyright:联合国气候变化(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


  • 斐济成为有史以来第一个担任警察总统的小岛州
  • 新总统将优先考虑小岛国家的利益
  • 尽管巴黎协议达成了COP核心问题


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会议(COP) to the Paris Climate Change Accord prepares to meet 6—17 November in Bonn, Germany for its 23d session against the backdrop of four hurricanes that savaged the US, which had announced its plan to pull out of the Accord.

具有讽刺意味的是显而易见的。美国正在捡起其房屋,城市和基础设施的碎片climate change灾难在佛罗里达州,路易斯安那州和波多黎各的警察23号准备工作时,ASTACE迅速发展。

At the COP 23 headquarters, however, the mood is one of hope and optimism that the implementing rules for the Paris Accord, which came into force on 4 November 2016, would be finalised this year.



Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama

Island nations’ issues


另一方面,一个国际咨询小组告诉美国国际局(UNFCCC),三个问题作为COP 23的关键期望:2020年以前的承诺的进展,实施巴黎协议的工作计划的进展以及在设计设计方面的清晰度2018 Facilitative Dialogue(2018 FD)。特别是,澄清2018 FD是指在巴黎达成的对话中达成的协议,以“盘点当事方在朝着长期目标朝着长期目标迈出的集体努力进行库存”,并“为国家确定的捐款做准备(NDCS)”。[2]

COP 23还为发达国家提供了重新审视其支持巴黎协定的承诺的机会,尤其是他们自己的排放reductions and the US$ 100 billion per year they promised to help developing countries with their own emission reduction programmes.

UNFCCC咨询小组还同意任命两名“高级冠军”,以帮助COP总统竞选活动为实施气候变化协议提供支持。2016年任命的是摩洛哥环境部长Hakima El Haite和法国大使Laurencebeplay足球体育的微博 Tubiana。


Core issues, however, remain despite the Paris Agreement [3]:

分化- 发达国家不想只为发达国家拥有具有约束力的排放目标,他们认为这应该是所有人。发展中国家希望责任成为大型发射器。

Finance- 发展中国家希望发达国家能够善于每年动员1000亿美元的公共和私人承诺金融by 2020 to establish a Green Climate Fund which would finance mitigation and adaptation projects. But developed nations want to have more donor countries so the burden is not entirely on them. The prospects of meeting the target, however, are bright. In Marrakech, the UNFCCC’s Standing Committee on Finance reported that total global climate finance increased 15 per cent in 2013 – 14, reaching a high estimate of US$741 billion in 2014. [4]

Legal character- 尽管该协议将具有“法律武力”,但尚未就其采取的形式达成共识。美国已经准备好结合程序承诺并反对结合发射目标。这是在奥巴马总统期间,但唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)自从该协议撤回以来。

透明度- 对国家努力报告的现有要求是两层的,对于发达国家而言,制度比开发国家的系统更为严格。发达国家正在为各方推动一个共同的框架。


Crispin Maslog


但是,今天面临的COP 23面临的最大问题是美国已经撤回特朗普总统宣布的协议的计划。这对协议的目标有什么影响?


这US threat to withdraw, however, would unseal the deal and could have disastrous consequences for the planet. Two dozen climate change scientists, in a poll by one news agency, have said that US withdrawal would make it much more difficult to prevent crossing a dangerous threshold inglobal temperatures。[5]

美国撤离和退缩承诺可能意味着每年将三亿吨二氧化碳释放到大气中,增加了率rising sea levelsand融化冰盖。根据一个模拟,美国可能会在本世纪末增加多达0.3摄氏度的全球变暖。

气候互动联合导演安德鲁·琼斯(Andrew Jones)表示:“美国很重要。”“这笔数量可能会使达到巴黎限制的限制和遗漏的限制之间有所不同。”[5]实际上,如果没有美国的承诺,可能很难集体地瞄准更艰难的1.5摄氏度。

However, under the rules of the Paris Agreement, the process of the US withdrawal could take at least three years, which by then it’s possible that a new US president would be sworn in and might reconsider the decision to opt out.

目前,美国政府表示将加入COP 23会谈。斐济希望美国拥抱talanoa, a Pacific concept of informal storytelling which builds empathy and consensus, and a buzzword it is employing in the climate talks.




1. COP 23: Fijian Prime Minister lays out leadership agenda for UNFCCC, January 30, 2017, News release by Fiji government.


3. scidev.net。亚太地区分析:Crispin C. Maslog,2015年11月16日在气候峰会上的热门问题。

4. 2016年11月7日至18日在马拉喀什举行的联合国气候变化会议的结果。
