
‘Save Mekong’s rich biodiversity for future generations’

Dang Thuy Binh - main
Dang Thuy Binh is one of the scientists at the forefront of studying the decline of Mekong's biodiversity. Copyright: Dang Thuy Binh.


  • Mekong is next to the Amazon in fish biodiversity richness
  • But the mega river faces man-made as well as natural threats
  • A Vietnamese scientist is at the forefront of saving Mekong’s biodiversity

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但是,该地区现在面临自然和人为威胁:此外climate change,pollution,beplay下载官网西西软件和大坝的建造,主要是为了hydropower,并且正在威胁三角洲的生态稳定以及居住在河中的人们的生计。

Dang Thuy Binh is one of the scientists at the forefront of studying the decline of Mekong’sbiodiversity。作为“生物多样性与保护”研究小组的领导者和高级研究员Institute of Biotechnology and Environment,Nha Trang University (NTU),越南,她领导并参加了国家和国际研究projects on marine biodiversity and the Mekong. Her research informspoliciesfor biodiversityconservation,fisheries管理和food securitynot only in Vietnam but in the other countries along the Mekong.

“We hope that our voice will reach policy makers and stakeholders in the region for solutions to minimise the impact of the above activities, thereby protecting fisheries resources, which is the livelihood of more than 18 million people living along the Mekong River”

Dang Thuy Binh

Binh,曾经梦想成为一个journalist, is one of the few female scientists at the Institute, where she has previously served as the vice-director. She takes equal joy in doing research and in teaching her students, whom she credits for her energy and enthusiasm for work.

Binh talks toSciDev.Netabout her research, the challenges women scientists face and the importance of passing on her knowledge of the richness of the Mekong to succeeding generations.


From an early age, I loved literature very much and wanted to become a journalist in order to go and experience, to convey meaningful messages of life. The path to science is not accidental, but according to the wishes of my mother. She thinks that [a] literature career will bring a miserable life in the future because the salary is very low.


Video credit: USAID Asia

What area are you concentrating on now? How does it compare to the previous work and projects you have been engaged in?

Currently, I work as a lecturer and senior researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology and Environment, Nha Trang University. I am the leader of ‘Biodiversity and Conservation’ research group, in charge of enrolment promotion,communication和外部cooperation研究所。同时,我是NTU外国合作的合作者。

Compared to my previous job that focused more on management, now I have more space to do scientific research and to participate in community activities. I also partly satisfy my dream of becoming a journalist as administrator of two websites run by the Institute and our research team, and also that of the Institute’s fan page and the student fan page. The students have infused me with youth, enthusiasm and energy so that I can continue to serve the younger generation and the community.

Dang Thuy Binh
Dang Thuy Binh presenting research findings at the International Conference of Biotechnology and Environment in Nha Trang University.
Image credit: Dang Thuy Binh.


Our study of the Mekong is a long-term study. We started in 2013 (Project Peer 2—7) when studying freshwater fish biodiversity and populationgeneticsof three fish species in the Mekong Delta. Our research soon received the attention ofUSAID并将研究扩大到下湄公河国家(柬埔寨,老挝,泰国和越南)。在2016年,我们与非政府组织合作National Heritage Institute进行重点是3S(Sekong,Sesan和Srepok)湄公河的研究。2017年,缅甸被添加到我们的网络中。


In the progress of projects, we face many difficulties and challenges. First, we had to learn and master genetic methods and techniques, especially the next sequencing generation and the methods of analysingdata。At that time, this技术was new not only to us but also to the world. With the support of USAID and our US partners, we have built a functional genetic lab, and through that, we have also assisted our network partners, gradually improving their capacity for research on biodiversity and conservation genetics.

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Our finding results have shown the diminished resources or the potential loss of resources of exploited fish in the Mekong River, especially on the 3S river. Human impacts (environmental pollution, hydropower dam development) and climate change have changed the dynamics of Mekong fish populations, possibly leading to local extinction in the near future. We hope that our voice will reach policy makers and stakeholders in the region for solutions to minimise the impact of the above activities, thereby protecting fisheries resources, which is the livelihood of more than 18 million people living along the Mekong River.

The work that you are doing has an impact on the environmental management of the Mekong river. How important are biodiversity conservation and fisheries management in the Mekong region, particularly Vietnam?




Dang Thuy Binh

Which type of work do you feel more in line with, being on the field or being in a classroom, teaching students?

I love the two. Being in the field sampling gives me a wonderful feeling, even though I sometimes get motion sickness, and when I see the beautiful nature and gain practical knowledge. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to convey my knowledge and practical experience to students as a lecturer. I hope that this stream of knowledge will continue to be passed on to the next generations through our young instructors and students.

Dang Thuy Binh - river

Dang Thuy Binh与Dam Mon Bay的Auburn大学的Ash Bullard合作。
Image credit: Dang Thuy Binh

What has been your experience like as a female scientist in Vietnam? What were the challenges that you faced and how did you overcome these?

In Vietnam, we havegenderequality ineducation。However, it is undeniable that being a female scientist is more difficult and challenging than a male scientist. My experience is spending many nights staying up late learning English after my older son has fallen asleep; wandering nights while away because I am missing my boys; nights up at the laboratory and then walking back to the dormitory at 2 a.m. Besides those memorable experiences, I also have many sublime moments when I have interesting results, or feel warm when receiving the help of supervisors, partners and colleagues. As a female scientist, I am also a bit proud not only of the difficult journey I have had but also the achievements I got.

A challenge that every female scientist has to face is the balance between home and work. It takes us twice or even triple the time, compared to ordinary people, to be able to complete all the tasks and responsibilities. I often get motion sickness when traveling, so this is also a challenge that is not easy to overcome because I have to travel for sampling as well as participate in project activities.

You served as the Institute of Biotechnology and Environment's Vice-Director, a leadership position. How important do you think it is for women to serve as leaders in science?

I used to hold a leadership position as Institute Vice-Director. I have left this position to focus on scientific research. However, I always support the young leaders of the institute, especially in scientific research and international cooperation. I think it's very important for women to be leaders, and we need more women leaders in the future to speak up for feminism and to support women in their pursuit of dreams and passion.

What advice can you say to women, particularly those from Vietnam, who are interested in pursuing careers in science?

Wherever we are born, we are fortunate to be women. We need to cherish and love ourselves. Although gender inequality still exists somewhere in the world, wherever we are, we need to fight for the legitimate rights of women.

在越南年轻的女科学家nam and around the world, do not give up your dreams and imagination – it will be the most beautiful luggage you will carry throughout your life. Challenges and difficulties are inevitable on the way to conquer the top of science. Just go and you will reach; if you fall, get up; if this door is closed, open other doors. The future is in your hands.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Asia & Pacific desk.