

Salinee Tavaranan夫人-Hurley Portrait1
工程师Aalinee Tavaranan建立了一个社会企业来建立太阳能系统,鼓励社区可持续地管理它们。版权:种子奖。This image has been cropped.

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  • 塔瓦拉南(Tavaranan)建立了一个社会企业,为偏远社区建立太阳能系统
  • 她训练偏远社区运行和维护太阳能系统
  • 社会企业对社区有责任感

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Salinee Tavaranan empowers remote communities on the Thai-Myanmar border by building renewable energy systems for them.

[MANILA] Salinee Tavaranan believes that science and technology should be accessible to those living in remote areas. Her work providing renewable energy to rural communities and training them to run the systems gave her the opportunity to turn her belief into reality.

After completing her masters in solar energy工程at the马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔,她回到泰国,担任非政府组织的主任活力clusters to refugees and underprivileged communities living along the Thai-Myanmar border.

“You do not have to be the best or have good grades to be successful. You just need to be able to learn, adjust, develop, and impart learnings to others.”

Salinee Tavaranan

Realising that building solar power systems through donations is ineffective, Tavaranan founded太阳沙鹰,,,,a socialenterprisethat manages and maintains solar energy systems. Her organisation promotes可持续的通过招聘和培训当地技术人员的管理,以照顾维修和维护。


Poptech 2010的Salinee Tavaranan。视频信用:Poptech

How did you start out in engineering? How did people react to your choices?




As an engineer and a social entrepreneur, could you share with us your thoughts about women’s participation in solar energy use and management in the communities you work with?

In 2013, I founded a social enterprise [SunSawang] to provide solar power systems for rural villages in Thailand and expanded our projects towards the Myanmar area. I would like that, in the future, our social enterprise projects will be able to install solar mini-grid systems around the villages in that border area.

In my experience, there are fewerwomen参加太阳能系统培训的人 - 约20%或更少。他们中的大多数人在相关主题上很快学习,并且对维护部分更详尽。一开始,有些女性可能会害怕触摸设备,但是当她们了解更多有关设备时,她们更有信心完成工作,维护设备以及记录系统data。但是,这些人在培训期间表现出更大的信心。他们更渴望学习动手零件并执行安装。尽管如此,我们鼓励更多的女性参加培训。

Based on your experience, can you briefly explain why you believe social enterprise is important in the use of green energy?


社会企业的想法很重要,因为[甲型肝炎ing the enterprise] gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership. They make the projects and products sustainable and the organization more sustainable by not depending on grants or donations.

Salinee Tavaranan就如何设计,使用和维护COVID-19紧急响应中心或医院的太阳能系统进行了讨论。图片来源:WORAPON HAEKAWEE。


