
棕榈油替代品需要更多土地 - 研究

oil palm plantation - main
印度尼西亚的油棕种植园的卡车。该国是世界上最大的棕榈油生产商之一。版权:Ryan Woo/CIFOR(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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  • Oil palm plantations linked to deforestation and biodiversity loss
  • 在生物多样性热点种植的油棕
  • Alternatives such as soy bean and rapeseed require more land

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[NEW DELHI] While palm oil is associated with deforestation in biodiversity hotspots, alternatives may actually require more land, says a study.


印度尼西亚东卡利曼丹的油棕种植园的卫星图像。浅棕色区域显示了收获的土地。图片来源:欧洲航天局(CC BY-SA 2.0)

根据study, 出版于自然植物12月7日,马来西亚婆罗洲的新油棕种植园在1972年至2015年之间占森林砍伐的50%reportby theGlobal Forest Watch

Such extensive devastation has led to calls bybeplay足球体育的微博环境的抵制含有棕榈油的产品的活动家。




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但是,该研究的首席作者埃里克·梅贾德(Erik Meijaard),独立研究员University of Queensland, Australia, tellsscidev.net:“我们对棕榈油及其对生物多样性,环境和社会影响的影响了解很多,但我们对其他农作物的了解却一无所知。beplay足球体育的微博您需要意识到,对棕榈油说不意味着对其他事情说是。”

While few of the authors received funding for the study, the道德声明在论文中指出,Meijaard和其他两个同事过去曾与棕榈油行业以及可持续棕榈油的圆桌大厅集团


Erik Meijaard, University of Queensland


“The rhetoric and polarisation are useful because it has put a lot of pressure on the [palm oil] industry to be more transparent and improve practices,” adds Meijaard. “At the same time, if it results in decision-making that’s not informed by good knowledge and understanding then I think you’re creating a problem.” *


However, moreresearchinto the trade-offs between various vegetable oil crops is necessary, warnsVarsha Vijay, a postdoctoral researcher at theUniversity of Tennesseewho has studied the environmental impact of palm oil. She says that planners should avoid focusing on narrow comparisons of land use.


“It’s not just the amount of area, but rather where that land is,” says Vijay. “This crop [oil palm] is produced in the tropics, replacing tropical, moist forests. And this is where biodiversity is concentrated.”


*已纠正本文,以表明油棕替代品需要更多的土地,这并不意味着对环境的整体损害更大。beplay足球体育的微博Meijaard的拼写也已在11中得到纠正Thand 12Thparagraphs.