
气候变化can dry south Indian river, says new study




[NEW DELHI] Climate change could lead to huge基于计算机模拟的新研究显示,印度南部肥沃的戈达瓦里河流域的短缺。

来自印度和挪威的科学家的研究始于2009年2月,是一本书中的几本书的一部分,“水与气候变化:适应挑战的综合方法”, released last month (1 February).

The study — funded by Bioforsk, the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research — was implemented by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, and the International Water Management Institute, Colombo.


They predicted a mix of excess rainfall and drought-like conditions in vast stretches of the eastern part of the basin.

"Though the basin may get excess rains, everything seems to be getting lost to the atmosphere due to heat and evapo-transpiration (loss of water due to evaporation from the surface) caused by an increase in climate temperature," Ashvin Kumar Gosain, professor at the civil engineering department of the IIT- Delhi, toldSciDev.Net

Gosain also said that the fertile topsoil could get washed away into the rivers and deposited in dams as sediment.

模拟显示,由于全球变暖,河流域的降雨增加,但在不同地区的数量和强度有所不同。这将导致洪水和干旱。与新书相关的IIT-Delhi研究学者Rajesh Kumar Rai说,河流盆地土壤沉积物的土壤侵蚀和沉积。

An increase in soil sediments would lower the capacity of dams and hydroelectric power stations due to clogging, while higher temperatures would reduce the availability of soil water, affecting crops, and calling for conservation practices, Rai said.


The present study and the NATCOM project provide inputs into the national water policy that is being revised by the Indian government to incorporate adaptation strategies to cope with全球暖化。

The revised draft of the policy, made public on 31 January, suggested options like more storage reservoirs including hydropower plants, creating basin committees to decide on local water issues and pricing of water.