
土著people raise voices to avert Amazon tipping point

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Scientists, indigenous people and NGOs discussed how to prevent the tipping point of the Amazon. Copyright:Ana Cotta/Flickr,(CC由2.0)


  • 当亚马逊停止提供生态系统服务时,临界点即将接近
  • 领导人警告
  • Communities face challenges such as lack of technical infrastructure and social recognition



Although science and技术可以防止亚马逊进一步退化,除非需要技术,财务和社会合法性条件,否则他们无法提供解决方案土著人们被认识了。

这是the message from indigenous leaders atGLF Amazonia,上周在网上举行的会议考虑了防止重要的全球资源到达“临界点”的方法。

马德里·德·迪奥斯河本地联合会主席朱利奥·卡萨里希(Julio Casurichi)和支流(FENAMAD),在秘鲁,讨论亚马逊科学干预措施的失败,对会议说:“许多计划都没有结果,因为知识可能存在,但是[在社区中]没有设备,没有引擎来监视该设备领土,没有计算机设备来存储信息。”


Marcela Quintero, ecologist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)


科学界预测这将在15到20年的时间内发生,当时树覆盖将降至亚马逊不再是热带雨林but a dry zone. For indigenous people, who say policies and interventions have failed them during decades of deforestation, this prospect is particularly concerning.


可以使用新的来监视森林砍伐的技术,但专家警告说,这些技术通常无法考虑到当地条件。莫妮卡·罗莫(Monica Romo),你说亚马逊环境中的区域专家在会议上说:“在亚马逊中,我们在通信,互联网beplay足球体育的微博,手机方面有问题。技术本身,GPS或图像不是瓶颈,而是如何吸引用户。”



However, representatives of indigenous communities say these and other technologies must be accompanied by full recognition of the rights of local people, by政府,民间社会和科学家。

Sela Deadina, national coordinator of Articulation of Rural Black Communities Quilombolas (CONAQ), said: “The indigenous groups of black identity are defenders of the territory of the Amazon, but we live a permanent discrimination and structural racism […] We cannot count on the Brazilian government, which is the one that is violating us the most.”


Joenia Wapichana, Brazil’s first indigenous lawyer, said: “In addition to being heard, indigenous peoples must be included in financing plans and public policies that are generated outside indigenous territories.”


国际热带农业中心(CIAT)的生态学家Marcela Quintero告诉beplay下载官网西西软件scidev.net:“It is good to develop science for science’s sake, because there are still many knowledge gaps, but when we talk about science for development, it is essential to understand why and for whom we generate this science.”


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