

Cryptolepis buchnanii
Priscilla Kolibea Mante is investigating the therapeutic properties of Cryptolepis Saguinolenta, known as Ghanaian quinine Copyright:Siddarth Machado,CC BY-NC 2.0


  • Women can do many of the things that men can do
  • 但是在非常传统的社会中,他们仍然期望他们为家庭做厨师之类的事情
  • 大多数人没有意识到他们在歧视女性



据加纳(Priscilla Kolibea Mante)的Priscilla Kolibea Mante说,大多数人甚至都没有意识到自己在歧视女性,他是一位领先的神经药物学家,他正在寻找基于植物的癫痫,焦虑,疼痛和抑郁症的植物治疗方法。



爆头:由Priscilla Kolibea Mante提供

In 2019 you were the only African recipient of the L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Rising Talents Award. The same year you were also selected for the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World early career fellowship programme. How did that all make you feel?



这是对Priscilla Kolibea Mante的更详细的访谈,Priscilla Kolibea Mante是一位领先的神经药物学家,正在寻找基于植物性的癫痫,焦虑,疼痛和抑郁症的治疗方法。

您可以研究加纳发现的植物的治疗特性,以治疗神经系统疾病。这些植物之一是cryptolepis saguinolenta,被称为加纳奎宁。告诉我们您对这种植物和其他植物的兴趣。

I’m a pharmacist so one of my strengths is in chemistry, in pharmaceutical chemistry. I have developed an interest in plants as therapeutics because, as we know, a lot of the medicines that we currently have, found their source from nature, which happens to be a very rich source for new therapeutics. We do not have too many highly effective medicines that can affect conditions of the brain. So, that’s why I’m very interested in developing new therapeutics.


When I started my career, I started to realise that there were a lot of things that I could have done if I had received the right guidance earlier. There are also a lot of things I would have done differently. Because of that I see myself as the person whose job it is to give younger people proper guidance. I like to open up people’s lives so that they can see what options they have in this world. The world is actually open and they are free to choose what they would like to do. They are free to try things. If it does not work out, they are free to start all over again.


作为女性,我们经常说,当一个女人决定从事职业时,并不总是像男性对手那样容易。我们一直在说这听起来像陈词滥调的程度。但是,这就是事实的真相。对于我们的女性来说,这绝非易事,尤其是当我们在非常传统的社会中长大时。现在,我们正处于妇女有机会的机会。我们几乎可以做任何允许男人做的事情,但是,这仍然不能使我们免除我们的传统角色。晚上8点离开办公室,我回到家,仍然必须从头开始做饭。我不得不经常解释为什么首先结婚不是我的计划,而首先获得博士学位实际上是我的计划。我觉得我们所遭受的许多歧视都是由于无意识的偏见而诞生的 - 大多数人甚至都没有意识到他们在歧视我们。

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
