

版权:图像Harald MaternPixabay

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  • 蝗虫群正在东非肆虐农作物,肯尼亚遭受重创
  • 如果趋势持续下去,该地区可能需要尽快需要粮食援助
  • 用农药喷洒可能有助于控制,但可能会破坏重要的昆虫

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“Breeding continues in the Horn of Africa, which will cause locusts to increase further in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya with new swarms forming in March and April,” explains the FAO in a forecast.

沙漠蝗虫已经摧毁了70,000公顷农田in Ethiopia and Somalia, threatening食品安全and livelihoods in both countries. According to the FAO, locust swarms of one square kilometer can eat the same amount of food in one day as about 35,000 people.

“Urgent efforts must be made to stop [the desert locusts] from increasing to protect the livelihoods of farmers and livestock holders.”

Keith Cressman, FAO



A map dated February 10, 2020 showing Desert Locust spread from Kenya to Uganda and Tanzania.

粮农组织高级蝗虫预测官基思·克雷斯曼(Keith Cressman)说:“蝗虫群已经开始产卵,另一代繁殖将增加蝗虫数字。”“必须采取紧急努力以阻止他们增加以保护农民的生计和家畜持有人。”

东非沙漠蝗虫控制组织总干事斯蒂芬·恩约卡(Stephen Njoka)告诉scidev.net:“气候变化可能是这种入侵的背后,例如,肯尼亚的当前降雨非常不寻常,使植被可用于害虫,并在土壤中创建合适的卵子地点。”


Njoka says that aerial and ground spraying with safe pesticides are the best ways to control locust invasion. The FAO says US$70 million is needed to support rapid control operations, such as spraying with insecticides.

沙漠蝗虫在肯尼亚。版权:FAO/Sven Torfinn(此图像已裁剪)。

But Daniel Otaye argues that the use of pesticides in the control of locusts is a source of concern, as pesticides might have devastating effects on other beneficial insects such as bees, green lacewings, and dragonflies, which contribute to ecosystemhealth

Otaye,副教授和主席Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University in Kenya, says: “The invasion poses disastrous effects on the East African region that is still smarting from insecurity, droughts and aggressive floods.”

According to Otaye, the insects can devour fields of crops, such as maize and sorghum, and ravage pastures meant for livestock. He tellsscidev.netthat if the situation is left unchecked, the region might need additional food aid because of the anticipated crop and forage losses.
