
Climate finance ‘critical for developing countries’ at COP26

A 2015 protest about climate finance at #COP21. As extreme weather events increase in frequency and intensity, climate leaders say their patience with uncooperative political and industry heads has run dry. Copyright:John Englart(CC BY-SA 2.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • COP26承诺必须伴随金融 - 气候领导者
  • 为“损失和损害”的融资是全球南方的关键问题
  • 缓解气候变化对于满足全球健康目标至关重要


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青年气候领袖Ineza Grace

“World leaders, please stop talking and start to act,” said Samir Tantawi, a former member of Egypt’s delegation to the UN climate conference and co-author of an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on greenhouse gas inventories.

“We’re on very critical time, according to the science and IPCC recent reports. Everyone knows what’s need to be done and what every country can do.”

Parties to the United Nations climate change convention are bound by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius, with a focus on staying below 1.5 degrees. The world is not on track to meet this target and many view COP26 as the last chance for effective climate action.

Alexandre Antonelli, director of science at the UK’s Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, said the world could not afford to miss the opportunities available at COP26, being held in Glasgow, Scotland next month.

“在过去的十年我们在achiev完全失败ing the Aichi targets for biodiversity,” Antonelli said. “We need to do it differently: we need to see action, we need to see a plan and the finances to get it right this decade. Because it might be the last opportunity to make a change.”

与气候相关的损失和损害金融将be key among the issues that come under scrutiny at the COP26 climate negotiations. ‘Loss and damage’ refers to climate impacts that exceed a country’s ability to adapt or mitigate the effects.

国际环境与发展研究所的气候治理和金融高级研究员Ritu Bharadwaj表示,损失和损害是“最重要的问题[…]beplay足球体育的微博livelihoods, their homes — they’re getting displaced”.



土著联合国对土著人民的权利,维基·塔利·科普兹(Vicky Tauli-Corpuz)表示,社区领导人将分析国家气候战略并监测官方谈判,以确保建议的气候变化解决方案不会损害其土地并导致进一步流离失所。

“我想看到的是,将保障措施和人权纳入了许多解决方案中,”菲律宾Cordillera地区的Kankana-ey Igorot人民Tauli-Corpuz说。


青年气候领袖Ineza Grace说,农村地区的妇女和年轻人面临着最大的气候影响。她说,尽管在富裕国家的极端天气事件发生后,恢复了大力,但全球南方的同样灾难“甚至没有一美元”。

格蕾丝说:“这有点痛苦。”“我们不仅需要加强全球北国,而且我们都需要加紧努力,并试图以紧迫感来应对气候变化的影响。这IPCC报告pointed out very clearly, we are all in the red zone, and everyone, everywhere, is exposed.

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Martin Muchangi,Amref Health Africa的水,卫生和卫生专家 - WHO-Civil Society工作组的成员,以提高气候行动,并说 -疾病由于气候变化而增加。

Malaria mosquitoes are able to live and breed in new areas, he said, while pollution is affecting lung health.

“A healthy planet is healthy people,” Muchangi said. “If you look at neglected tropical disease like trachoma — whereby you require water to wash your face and keep basic hygiene — because of drought, water is dwindling in the global South.”


